Note: Only contract administrators, owners, and users with both permissions to the VDC concerned and createNetworkSecurityGroups privilege can create NSGs via API.
Prerequisite: You need an IONOS Cloud account with API credentials configured with the appropriate permissions.
To create a Custom NSG, you need to use the following Cloud APIPOST request providing the datacenterIdand the required properties:
{"id":"bxxxx-axXX-0008-8888-99k0444e5555","type":"security-group","href":"","metadata": {"etag":"64c593ebd78b0d9da52baba4079e119d","createdDate":"2024-05-17T15:11:09Z","createdBy":"","createdByUserId":"XYaf0375-1c1d-4387-9ef1-6ee95d30e54a","lastModifiedDate":"2024-05-17T15:11:09Z","lastModifiedBy":"","lastModifiedByUserId":"XYaf0375-1c1d-4387-9ef1-6ee95d30e54a","state":"BUSY" },"properties": {"name":"NSG-1","description":"Description for NSG-1" }}
Note: For CloudAPI, some resources are created asynchronously. You can check for the progress via the Status URL that is returned in the response header of the POST or PUT call.