To disable IPv6 for LANs in the Data Center Designer (DCD), follow these steps:
Select the LAN you want to disable IPv6 for, and clear the Activate IPV6 for this LAN checkbox.
Start provisioning by clicking PROVISION CHANGES in the Inspector pane.
The Virtual Data Center (VDC) is provisioned with the new network settings. On disabling IPv6 on a LAN, existing IPv6 configuration on the Network Interface Card (NICs) will be removed or deleted.
To update IPv6 configurations for LANs in the Data Center Designer (DCD), follow these steps:
Select the LAN you want to update IPv6 for.
You can update your IPv6 CIDR block with prefix length /64 from the VDCs allocated range.
Start provisioning by clicking PROVISION CHANGES in the Inspector pane.
The Virtual Data Center (VDC) will now be provisioned with the new network settings. In this case, the existing configuration gets reprovisioned accordingly.
Note: IPv6 traffic and IPv6-enabled LANs are now supported for the Flow Logs feature. For more information about how to enable flow logs in DCD, see Flow Logs.
Prior to enabling IPv6, make sure you have the appropriate privileges. New Virtual Data Center (VDC) can be created by the contract owners, administrators, or users with create VDC privilege. The leading number of bits in the address that cannot be changed is the prefix length. For Data Center IPv6 CIDR, the prefix length is /56.
You can enable the IPv6 LAN and configure the network to support IPv6. Using IPv6 LANs, devices can communicate on the same LAN using standard IPv6 protocols. IONOS LANs route packets between devices and networks, ensuring that the network runs smoothly and effectively.
Learn how to enable IPv6 for LANs in VDC using the DCD.
Learn how to update IPv6 for LANs in VDC using the DCD.
Learn how to disable IPv6 for LANs in VDC using the DCD.
Learn all about the limitations associated with IPv6.
Learn all about the FAQs associated with IPv6.
To enable IPv6 for Local Area Network (LAN) in the Data Center Designer (DCD), follow these steps:
Drag the Server element from the Palette onto the Workspace. The created server is automatically highlighted in turquoise. The Inspector pane allows you to configure the properties of this individual server instance.
Drop the internet element onto the Workspace, and connect it to a LAN to provide internet access. First, connect the server or cube to the internet and then to the Local Area Network (LAN).
Note: Upon provisioning, the data centre will be allocated a /56 network prefix by default.
By default, every new LAN has IPv6 addressing disabled. Select the checkbox Activate IPv6 for this LAN in LAN view.
Note: On selecting PROVISION CHANGES, you can populate the LAN IPv6 CIDR block with prefix length /64 or allow it to be automatically assigned from the VDCs allocated /56 range. /64 indicates that the first 64 bits of the 128-bit IPv6 address are fixed. The remaining bits (64 in this case) are flexible, and you can use all of them.
In the Inspector pane, configure your LAN device in the Network tab. Provide the following details:
Name: Your choice is recommended to be unique to this Virtual Data Center (VDC).
MAC: The Media Access Control (MAC) address will be assigned automatically upon provisioning.
LAN: Select a LAN for which you want to configure the network.
Firewall: To activate the firewall, choose between Ingress / Egress / Bidirectional.
IPv4 Configuration: Provide the following details:
Primary IP: The primary IP address is automatically assigned by the IONOS DHCP server. You can, however, enter an IP address for manual assignment by selecting one of the reserved IPs from the drop-down list. Private IP addresses should be entered manually. The Network Interface Controller (NIC) has to be connected to the Internet.
Failover: If you have an HA setup including a failover configuration on your VMs, you can create and manage IP failover groups that support your High Availability (HA) setup.
Firewall: Configure the firewall.
DHCP: It is often necessary to run a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server in your VDC (e.g. Preboot Execution Environment (PXE) boot for fast rollout of VMs). If you use your own DHCP server, clear this checkbox so that your IPs are not reassigned by the IONOS DHCP server.
Add IP: In order to use "floating" or virtual IPs, you can assign additional IPs to a NIC by selecting them from the drop-down menu.
IPv6 Configuration: Provide the following details:
NIC IPv6 CIDR: You can populate an IPv6 CIDR block with prefix length /80 or allow it to be automatically assigned from the VDCs allocated range, by selecting PROVISION CHANGES. You can also choose 1 or more individual /128 IPs. Only the first IP is automatically allocated. The remaining IPs can be assigned as per your requirement. The maximum number of IPv6 IPs that can be allocated per NIC is 50.
DHCPv6: It is often necessary to run your own DHCPv6 server in your Virtual Data Center (VDC) (e.g. PXE boot for fast rollout of VMs). If you use your own DHCPv6 server, clear this checkbox so that your IPs are not reassigned by the IONOS DHCPv6 server.
Add IP: In order to use "floating" or virtual IPs, you can assign additional IPs to a NIC by selecting them from the drop-down menu.
Start the provisioning process by clicking PROVISION CHANGES in the Inspector.
The Virtual Data Center (VDC) is provisioned with the new network settings.
IPv6 CIDR assigned to LANs(/64) and NICs(/80 and /128) must be unique.
You can create a max of 256 IPv6-enabled LANs per VDC.