Contract administrators and owner can create and manage NSGs within a data center. Normal contract sub-users need appropriate privileges to use and modify NSGs, without which they have read-only access and cannot provision changes. You can grant appropriate NSG privileges to contract sub-users via the User Manager.
If you turn off the privilege, your contract sub-users can manage the defined NSGs, provided they can access the respective data center.
To allow users to create NSGs, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the DCD with your username and password.
2. Go to Menu > Management > Users & Groups under Users.
3. Select Groups tab in the User Manager window.
4. Select the appropriate group to assign relevant privileges.
5. In the Privileges tab, select the Create Network Security Groups checkbox to allow the group members to create and use it.
Note: You can remove the privileges from the group by clearing the Create Network Security Groups checkbox.
Result: The group and its users are granted appropriate privileges.