Boto3 is the official AWS SDK for Python. It lets you create, update, and configure IONOS Object Storage objects within your Python scripts.
Install the latest Boto3 release via pip: pip install boto3
There are several ways to provide credentials, such as passing them as parameters to the boto.client() method, via environment variables, or with a generic credential file (~/.aws/credentials). For more information, see Credentials.
Example of passing credentials as parameters when creating a Session object
To get the Access Key and Secret Key, see Generate a Key.
— Your credentials are not tied to a specific region or bucket.
— For information on the supported IONOS Object Storage service endpoints, see Endpoints.
response = s3_client.list_objects(Bucket='my-bucket')
for obj in response['Contents']:
Copy the filename.txt from the bucket my-source-bucket to the bucket my-dest-bucket and add the prefix uploaded/. We use the resource() method instead of the client() method here. It provides a higher level of abstraction than the low-level calls made by service clients.