Once you have created an API instance in the API Gateway, the next step is adding and editing routes to define how your API handles incoming requests.
Go to Menu > Management > API Gateway.
In the list of your created instances choose one instance and go to OPTIONS - Edit routes.
Enter the following details in the Routes window:
Route Properties:
Route name: Provide an appropriate name.
Path: Define the endpoint for the route.
Methods: Choose the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) the route will support.
Web Socket: on/off
Protocol: HTTP
You should add at least one upstream to your route.
The hostname must be publicly accessible and RFC 1123 compatible.
Host: Enter IP or public URL
Load balancer Algorithm: Choose between roundrobin and least_connections
Weight (optional)
Scheme: Choose a scheme, such as HTTPS, GRPC, etc.
Click Save to create the route.
Result: Your route is now created. You can now add new routes and edit the existing ones.