Prerequisite: You need administrative privileges to create and assign user privileges by using the Cloud API.
To set user privileges using the Cloud API for managing DNS zones and records, follow these steps:
Authenticate to the Cloud API using your API credentials.
Create a user using the POST /cloudapi/v6/um/users
Set the following required parameters for the user: user's name
, email address
, and password
Create a group using the POST /cloudapi/v6/um/groups
Set accessAndManageDns privilege to true
Assign the user to the created group using POST /cloudapi/v6/um/groups/{groupId}/users
endpoint and provide the user ID in the header.
Result: The Access and Manage DNS privilege is granted to the user.
If you have an infrastructure that uses public DNS records and manage it by defining the required state, you can use Cloud DNS as follows:
Create a DNS Zone with Cloud DNS.
Generate a UUID (v3, v4, and v5 supported) for your DNS record.
Add to your infrastructure a PUT call for the desired record configuration with your UUID and assign it to the corresponding DNS zone ID.
Result: On a successful PUT request,
If the record does not exist, Cloud DNS creates the record with the specified configuration.
If a record already exists but with a different configuration, the record is updated.
202 Successful operation
Field | Type | Description | Example |
UUID of the newly created DNS record
DNS record creation timestamp
DNS record update timestamp
UUID of the DNS zone of the DNS record
Fully qualified domain name resulting from the record name and the zoneName
State of the request
Prerequisite: You need a domain name. If you do not have one already, get a domain name and register it with a domain registrar.
To connect your domain name to the IONOS Cloud DNS zone that you created, specify the IONOS Cloud DNS nameservers as the domain's authoritative nameservers.
To connect a domain nameserver to a DNS zone, follow these steps:
Create a DNS Zone for your domain and the associated DNS records.
Save the four nameservers Cloud DNS provided upon creating the DNS zone.
Go to your Domain Registrar and update your domain's nameservers with the four nameservers from the previous step.
Note: Changes to nameservers can take up to 48 hours, but they usually happen much faster.
Result: The domain nameserver is connected to the Cloud DNS.
The Cloud DNS API lets you manage DNS zones and records programmatically using conventional HTTP requests.
Prerequisite: To start using the Cloud DNS API, you need a domain name. If you do not have one already, get a domain name and register it with a domain registrar.
On successful registration of the domain name, you can now assign more users with the privilege to manage DNS zones and records via the API. By default, only contract owners and administrators have permission to use the Cloud DNS API.
To set user privileges via the API, see Set User Privileges via the API.
On assigning user privileges, continue with the following API How-Tos:
If you already have a primary zone hosted elsewhere, you can Create a Secondary DNS Zone to improve reliability, redundancy, load balancing, and performance.
Additionally, try the following features for your primary zones hosted in Cloud DNS:
Similar to retrieving a DNS zone, you need to provide the UUID of the DNS zone that you want to export.
Prerequisite: You need an IONOS Cloud account with API credentials configured with the appropriate permissions.
To export an existing zone at IONOS Cloud DNS in a BIND format, follow this step:
Perform a GET request providing the zoneId of your zone.
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive the BIND file with the DNS zone having the UUID assigned.
200 Successful operation
The exported zone file is in BIND format, a widely used format supported by most DNS software, including the BIND DNS server.
The file includes all record types associated with the selected zone, including SOA record, NS record, Service (SRV) record, and configuration information such as TTL values.
An example of a file in BIND format with an updated SRV record is as follows:
Only contract administrators, owners, and users with accessAndManageDns privilege can create and manage DNS zones and DNS records via the API. You can also set User privileges in the DCD.
Sub-users can create Reverse DNS records only if the user group they belong to has access to the concerned IP block. For more information, see Add users to a group.
Cloud DNS API supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for Reverse DNS records.
For more information about IPv6 configuration in the DCD see IPv6 Configuration.
You need an IONOS Cloud account with API credentials configured with the appropriate permissions.
Before creating a Reverse DNS record, you must create an A record for the IP address you want to use for the reverse DNS record. For more information, see Create a DNS Record.
To create a Reverse DNS Record with Cloud DNS API, follow this step:
Perform a POST request with name, a description of reverse DNS record (optional), and the IP.
The IPv4 address must be from a reserved IP range. To reserve an IPv4 address, in the DCD go to the Menu > Management > IP Management. Enter a name and the number of IPv4 addresses, and select a region where you want your IPv4 addresses to be reserved. Select Reserve IP to reserve the IPv4 address, and confirm the reservation by pressing OK.
To use an IPv6 address for a reverse DNS record, it needs to belong to any of the /56 IPv6 blocks assigned to the VDC and have a prefix length of /128, that is, 2001:db8:1234:5678::1/128 and belongs to a 2001:db8:1234:5678::/56 block. For more information, see IPv6 Configuration.
Result: On a successful POST request, you receive a response containing the reverse DNS record UUID, type, href, metadata, properties of your reverse DNS record, name, description, and IP address.
200 Successful operation
To create an IPv6 reverse DNS record, perform a POST request to the /reverserecords
endpoint with an IPv6 address in the request body.
200 Successful operation
To retrieve all reverse DNS records, perform a GET request to the /reverserecords
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing all reverse DNS records.
200 Successful operation
To retrieve a reverse DNS record, perform a GET request to the /reverserecords/{id}
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the reverse DNS record UUID, type, href, metadata, and properties of your reverse DNS record, name, description, and IP.
200 Successful operation
To modify a reverse DNS record, perform a PUT request to the /reverserecords/{id}
Result: On a successful PUT request, you receive a response containing the reverse DNS record UUID, type, href, metadata, and properties of your reverse DNS record, name, description, and IP.
200 Successful operation
To delete a reverse DNS record, perform a DELETE request to the /reverserecords/{id}
Result: On a successful DELETE request, you receive a HTTP response 202 Successful operation.
202 Successful operation
To retrieve the quota of reverse DNS records, perform a GET request to the /quota
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the quota limits and quota usage for your contract.
200 OK
Prerequisite: Before creating a secondary DNS zone with IONOS Cloud DNS, ensure that the primary zone is capable of establishing a zone transfer with the secondary DNS server; this means port 53 is open for TCP and UDP connections.
To create a secondary zone on the IONOS Cloud DNS, follow this step:
Perform a POST request to the /secondaryzones
endpoint by providing the zoneName
, description
, and primaryIps
for the IP address of the primary nameserver.
Note: For sending DNS notify messages, Cloud DNS uses following Anycast addresses: IPv4 or IPv6 2001:8d8:fe:53::5cd:25.
Result: On a successful POST request, you receive a response containing the secondary DNS zone UUID, Name Servers, primaryIps, and the request status.
202 Accepted
To retrieve information about all the secondary zones, follow this step:
Send a GET request to the /secondaryzones
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing all secondary DNS zones.
200 OK
To retrieve information about a specific secondary zone, follow this step:
Send a GET request to the /secondaryzones/{secondaryzoneId}
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the secondary DNS zone UUID, Name Servers, primaryIps, and secondary zone status.
To retrieve records information about a specific secondary zone, follow this step:
Send a GET request to the /secondaryzones/{secondaryzoneId}/records
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the secondary DNS zone records information: status,content, type, priority, TTL and name.
To modify the description of a secondary zone or update the IP addresses of its primary nameserver, follow this step:
Send a PUT request to the /secondaryzones/{secondaryzoneId}
Result: On a successful PUT request, you receive a response containing the secondary DNS zone metadata with the new updated properties.
202 Accepted
Note: The creation of a secondary zone initiates zone transfer. In case of disrupted network connectivity at this time, you can initiate the zone transfer manually between the primary and secondary (i.e. secondary name server could not access primary nameserver on port 53) zones.
To initiate zone transfer from the primary zone to the secondary zone, follow this step:
Send a PUT request to the /secondaryzones/{secondaryzoneId}/axfr
Note: For sending DNS notify messages, Cloud DNS uses following Anycast addresses: IPv4 or IPv6 2001:8d8:fe:53::5cd:25.
Result: On a successful PUT request, you receive an HTTP response 200 OK.
200 OK
To check zone transfer status, follow this step:
Perform a GET request to /secondaryzones/{secondaryzoneId}/axfr
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response for AXFR communication status for each of primaryIps.
200 OK
To delete a secondary zone from the IONOS Cloud DNS, follow this step:
Send a DELETE request to the /secondaryzones/{zoneId}
Result: On a successful DELETE request, you receive an HTTP status 200 Accepted.
200 Accepted
To retrieve the quota of secondary DNS zones, perform a GET request to the /quota
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the quota limits and quota usage for your contract.
200 OK
Prerequisite: To sign a zone, you need to first .
To enable DNSSEC keys for a DNS zone at IONOS Cloud DNS, follow these steps:
1. Perform a POST request to the /zones/{zoneId}/keys
2. Replace {zoneId} with the UUID of the DNS zone where you want to enable DNSSEC keys.
3. In the request body, provide the key parameters used to sign the zone. These parameters include the signing algorithm, key length for both Key Signing Keys (KSK), Zone Signing Keys (ZSK), NSEC mode (NSEC or NSEC3), and other relevant settings.
Result: The DNSSEC keys for a DNS zone are successfully enabled.
202 Accepted
To retrieve DNSSEC keys for a specific DNS zone at Cloud DNS, follow these steps:
1. Perform a GET request to the /zones/{zoneId}/keys
2. Replace {zoneId} with the UUID of the DNS zone you want to retrieve keys for.
Result: The API response contains a list of DNSSEC keys associated with the specified DNS zone.
200 OK
To disable and delete DNSSEC keys for a DNS zone at Cloud DNS, follow these steps:
1. Perform a DELETE request to the /zones/{zoneId}/keys
2. Replace {zoneId} with the UUID of the DNS zone from which you want to remove DNSSEC keys.
Result: The DNSSEC keys for the selected DNS zone are successfully disabled. The associated DNSSEC key records for the DNS zone is removed.
202 Accepted
You can import a DNS zone from your existing DNS provider to IONOS Cloud.
Prerequisite: You need an IONOS Cloud account with API credentials configured with the appropriate permissions.
To import an existing zone to IONOS Cloud DNS, follow these steps:
Create a DNS zone without records.
Perform a PUT request providing the zoneId of the newly created zone and the zone file.
Result: On a successful PUT request, the records provided in the zone file will be added to your DNS zone.
Important: If the zone file you import contains CNAME entries that point to names in another private zone, Azure DNS resolution of the CNAME will fail unless the other private zone is imported or the CNAME entries are modified.
200 Successful operation
The imported file has to be in BIND format, a widely used format supported by most DNS software, including the popular BIND DNS server.
The file should include all the record types associated with the selected zone. The Start of Authority (SOA) and Name Server (NS) records are not to be considered since IONOS Cloud uses its name server configuration.
Note: Only contract administrators, owners, and users with "accessAndManageDns" privilege can create and manage DNS zones and DNS records via API. You can also set User privileges in the .
Prerequisite: You need an IONOS Cloud account with API credentials configured with the appropriate permissions.
To create a DNS zone with , follow this step:
Perform a POST request with the domain or subdomain, a description of your DNS zone (optional), and the DNS zone status (enable), true or false.
Result: On a successful POST request, you receive a response containing the DNS zone UUID, Name Servers, and the request status.
202 Successful operation
To retrieve the quota of DNS zones, perform a GET request to the /quota
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the quota limits and quota usage for your contract.
200 OK
Similar to creating a DNS zone, you need to provide the UUID of the DNS zone to host the new record.
Note: DNS records are further categorized into various record types, each with unique specifications. For more information, see .
Prerequisite: You need an IONOS Cloud account with API credentials configured with the appropriate permissions.
To create a DNS zone of Type A, follow this step:
Perform a POST request with these details:
corresponding UUID of the DNS zone,
name of the subdomain; example: www
record type; in this case: A,
content or destination of the A record in the form of an IPv4 address; example:
TTL you need (minimum 60 seconds and maximum 86.400 seconds), and
status of the DNS record (enable), true or false.
Result: On a successful POST request, you receive a response with the DNS record having the UUID assigned.
Info: If you want to create a Wildcard DNS record, you need to provide “*” as the name of your DNS record to match the requests for all non-existent names under your DNS zone name.
202 Successful operation
To retrieve the quota of DNS records, perform a GET request to the /quota
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the quota limits and quota usage for your contract.
200 OK
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Field | Type | Description | Example |
UUID of the newly created reverse DNS record
Reverse DNS record creation timestamp
Reverse DNS record update timestamp
Name of the reverse DNS record
Description of the reverse DNS record
The reverse DNS record is used for mail.example.com
IP address of the reverse DNS record or 2001:0db8::1
Type of the reverse DNS record
URL to the reverse DNS record
UUID of the reverse DNS record
Reverse DNS record creation timestamp
Reverse DNS record update timestamp
Name of the reverse DNS record
Description of the reverse DNS record
The reverse DNS record is used for mail.example.com
IP address of the reverse DNS record or 2001:0db8::1
Type of the reverse DNS record
URL to the reverse DNS record
UUID of the reverse DNS record
Reverse DNS record creation timestamp
Reverse DNS record update timestamp
Name of the reverse DNS record
Description of the reverse DNS record
The reverse DNS record is used for mail.example.com
IP address of the reverse DNS record
Type of the reverse DNS record
URL to the reverse DNS record
UUID of the reverse DNS record
Reverse DNS record creation timestamp
Reverse DNS record update timestamp
Name of the reverse DNS record
Description of the reverse DNS record
The reverse DNS record is used for mail.example.com
IP address of the reverse DNS record
Type of the reverse DNS record
URL to the reverse DNS record
Number of DNS records
Number of reverse DNS records
Number of secondary DNS zones
Number of DNS zones
Number of DNS records used
Number of reverse DNS records used
Number of secondary DNS zones used
Number of DNS zones used
id | string | UUID of the secondary zone | a1bc82de-4cc5-40ca-bfb3-4e93bd9a367c |
createdDate | string | Secondary zone creation timestamp | 2023-08-04T10:21:32+00:00 |
lastModifiedDate | string | Secondary zone update timestamp | 2023-08-04T10:21:33+00:00 |
nameservers | array | Name Servers assigned to the secondary zone | "nscs.ui-dns.com", "nscs.ui-dns.de", "nscs.ui-dns.org", "nscs.ui-dns.biz" |
state | string | State of the secondary zone | AVAILABLE |
description | string | Description of the secondary zone | This is a secondary zone created in IONOS Cloud DNS |
primaryIps | array | IP addresses of the primary nameserver | "" "" |
zoneName | string | Name of the secondary zone | example.com |
id | string | UUID of the secondary zone | 04706207-a691-4710-902d-10acf5441bf1 |
createdDate | string | Secondary zone creation timestamp | 2023-08-04T13:15:46+00:00 |
lastModifiedDate | string | Secondary zone update timestamp | 2023-08-04T13:15:46+00:00 |
nameservers | array | Name Servers assigned to the secondary zone | "nscs.ui-dns.com", "nscs.ui-dns.de", "nscs.ui-dns.org", "nscs.ui-dns.biz" |
state | string | State of the secondary zone | AVAILABLE |
description | string | Description of the secondary zone | This is a secondary zone created in IONOS Cloud DNS |
primaryIps | array | IP addresses of the primary nameserver | "" "" |
zoneName | string | Name of the secondary zone | example.org |
id | string | UUID of the secondary zone | 04706207-a691-4710-902d-10acf5441bf1 |
createdDate | string | Secondary zone creation timestamp | 2023-08-04T13:15:46+00:00 |
lastModifiedDate | string | Secondary zone update timestamp | 2023-08-04T13:15:46+00:00 |
nameservers | array | Name Servers assigned to the secondary zone | "nscs.ui-dns.com", "nscs.ui-dns.de", "nscs.ui-dns.org", "nscs.ui-dns.biz" |
state | string | State of the secondary zone | AVAILABLE |
description | string | Description of the secondary zone | This is a secondary zone created in IONOS Cloud DNS |
primaryIps | array | IP addresses of the primary nameserver | "" "" |
zoneName | string | Name of the secondary zone | example.org |
id | string | UUID of the secondary zone | 04706207-a691-4710-902d-10acf5441bf1 |
createdDate | string | Secondary zone creation timestamp | 2023-08-04T13:15:46+00:00 |
lastModifiedDate | string | Secondary zone update timestamp | 2023-08-04T13:15:46+00:00 |
nameservers | array | Name Servers assigned to the secondary zone | "nscs.ui-dns.com", "nscs.ui-dns.de", "nscs.ui-dns.org", "nscs.ui-dns.biz" |
state | string | State of the request | AVAILABLE |
description | string | Description of the secondary zone | This is a secondary zone created in IONOS Cloud DNS |
primaryIps | array | IP addresses of the primary nameserver | |
zoneName | string | Name of the secondary zone | example.org |
fqdn | string | Fully qualified domain name resulting from the record name and the zoneName | example.org |
rootName | string | Root name of the secondary zone | example.org |
content | string | Content of the secondary zone | example.org hostmaster.example.org 2037070192 28800 7200 604800 600 |
enabled | boolean | Status of the secondary zone | true |
name | string | Name of the secondary zone | www |
priority | integer | Priority of the secondary zone | 0 |
ttl | integer | TTL of the secondary zone | 3600 |
type | string | Type of a record in the secondary zone | SOA |
id | string | UUID of the secondary zone | a1bc82de-4cc5-40ca-bfb3-4e93bd9a367c |
createdDate | string | Secondary zone creation timestamp | 2023-08-04T10:21:32+00:00 |
lastModifiedDate | string | Secondary zone update timestamp | 2023-08-10T09:32:29+00:00 |
nameservers | array | Name Servers assigned to the secondary zone | "nscs.ui-dns.com", "nscs.ui-dns.de", "nscs.ui-dns.org", "nscs.ui-dns.biz" |
state | string | State of the request | AVAILABLE |
description | string | Description of the secondary zone | Changing description and primaryIps for secondary zone example.com |
primaryIps | array | IP addresses of the primary nameserver |, < /br> |
zoneName | string | Name of the secondary zone | example.com |
errorMessage | string | Error message if any |
primaryIp | string | Primary IP address | |
status | string | AXFR communication status | OK |
records | string | Number of DNS records | 100000 |
reverseRecords | string | Number of reverse DNS records | 5000 |
secondaryZones | string | Number of secondary DNS zones | 100000 |
zones | string | Number of DNS zones | 50000 |
records | string | Number of DNS records used | 9 |
reverseRecords | string | Number of reverse DNS records used | 1 |
secondaryZones | string | Number of secondary DNS zones used | 6 |
zones | string | Number of DNS zones used | 5 |
id | string | UUID of the DNSSEC key | 98277a78-a6a2-4672-ac9a-a68ca0a8d67a |
type | string | Type of the resource | dnsseckeys |
href | string | URL of the resource |
metadata | object | Metadata of the DNSSEC key |
zoneId | string | UUID of the DNS zone | a363f30c-4c0c-4552-9a07-298d87f219bf |
items | array | List of DNSSEC keys |
keyTag | integer | Key tag of the DNSSEC key | 49057 |
signAlgorithmMnemonic | string | Signing algorithm of the DNSSEC key | RSASHA256 |
signAlgorithmNumber | integer | Signing algorithm number of the DNSSEC key | 8 |
digestAlgorithmMnemonic | string | Digest algorithm of the DNSSEC key | SHA-1 |
digestAlgorithmNumber | integer | Digest algorithm number of the DNSSEC key | 1 |
digest | string | Digest of the DNSSEC key | CF58B511B2D8EF99263704A112703586E542E4FA |
keyData | object | Key data of the DNSSEC key |
flags | integer | Flags of the DNSSEC key | 257 |
protocol | integer | Protocol of the DNSSEC key | 3 |
alg | integer | Algorithm of the DNSSEC key | 8 |
pubKey | string | Public key of the DNSSEC key | AwEAAY6wMNhHk...RIrbLc= |
id | string | UUID of the newly created DNS zone | 2a4428b3-dbe0-4357-9c02-609025b3a40f |
createdDate | string | DNS zone creation timestamp | 2023-03-15T09:58:59.147746133Z |
lastModifiedDate | string | DNS zone update timestamp | 2023-03-15T09:58:59.147746133Z |
nameservers | array | Name Servers assigned to the DNS zone | "ns-ic.ui-dns.com", "ns-ic.ui-dns.de", "ns-ic.ui-dns.org", "ns-ic.ui-dns.biz" |
state | string | State of the request | CREATED |
records | string | Number of DNS records | 100000 |
reverseRecords | string | Number of reverse DNS records | 5000 |
secondaryZones | string | Number of secondary DNS zones | 100000 |
zones | string | Number of DNS zones | 50000 |
records | string | Number of DNS records used | 9 |
reverseRecords | string | Number of reverse DNS records used | 1 |
secondaryZones | string | Number of secondary DNS zones used | 6 |
zones | string | Number of DNS zones used | 5 |
id | string | UUID of the newly created DNS record | 90d81ac0-3a30-44d4-95a5-12959effa6ee |
createdDate | string | DNS record creation timestamp | 2023-03-15T09:58:59.147746133Z |
lastModifiedDate | string | DNS record update timestamp | 2023-03-15T09:58:59.147746133Z |
zoneId | string | UUID of the DNS zone of the DNS record | 2a4428b3-dbe0-4357-9c02-609025b3a40f |
fqdn | string | Fully qualified domain name resulting from the record name and the zoneName | *.example.com |
state | string | State of the request | CREATED |
records | string | Number of DNS records | 100000 |
reverseRecords | string | Number of reverse DNS records | 5000 |
secondaryZones | string | Number of secondary DNS zones | 100000 |
zones | string | Number of DNS zones | 50000 |
records | string | Number of DNS records used | 9 |
reverseRecords | string | Number of reverse DNS records used | 1 |
secondaryZones | string | Number of secondary DNS zones used | 6 |
zones | string | Number of DNS zones used | 5 |