Boto3 is the official AWS SDK for Python. It allows you to create, update, and configure IONOS Object Storage objects from within your Python scripts.
Install the latest Boto3 release via pip: pip install boto3
There are several ways to provide credentials, e.g. passing credentials as parameters to the boto.client() method, via environment variables, or with a generic credential file (~/.aws/credentials).
An example of passing credentials as parameters when creating a Session object:
To get the Access Key and Secret Key, log in to the DCD, and go to Menu > Storage > IONOS Object Storage > Key management.
NOTE: Your credentials are not tied to a specific region or bucket.
For information on the supported IONOS Object Storage Service endpoints, see .
List buckets:
Create bucket my-bucket
at the region eu-central-1
Upload filename.txt to the bucket my-bucket
For more information, see AWS SDK documentation on Uploading files.
Download the file filename.txt
from the my-bucket
List objects of the bucket my-bucket
Copy the filename.txt from the bucket my-source-bucket
to the bucket my-dest-bucket
and add the prefix uploaded/
. Instead of the client()
method, we use the resource()
method here. It provides a higher level of abstraction than the low-level calls made by service clients.
For more examples, see Boto3 documentation, such as:
For more information on Boto3 and Python, see .