Postman is a free tool for conveniently working with APIs in a GUI. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. For the installation instructions, refer to Postman Documentation.
1. Log in to Postman using your credentials.
2. Select AWS Signature from the Type drop-down list in the Authorization tab for a request. Specify where Postman should append your authorization data using the Add authorization data to drop-down list.
If you select Request Headers, Postman populates the Headers tab with Authorization and X-Amz- prefixed fields.
If you select the Request URL, Postman populates the Params tab with authentication details prefixed with X-Amz-.
— The parameters listed below contain confidential information. We recommend using variables to secure this data while working collaboratively.
— To get the Access Key and Secret Key, see Generate a Key.
— Advanced fields are optional, but Postman will attempt to generate them automatically if necessary.
3. For AWS Region, leave the field blank as the region from the endpoint will be used.
4. For Service Name, enter s3
. The name of the service that receives the requests.
5. For Session Token, leave the field blank. It is only required when temporary security credentials are used.
Result: The Postman configuration is complete.