Ansible Playbooks

Ansible Playbooks

Ansible leverages YAML manifest files called Playbooks. The Playbook will describe the infrastructure to build and is processed from top down. Here is a simple Playbook that will provision two identical servers:


      - hosts: localhost
      connection: local
      gather_facts: false

      - name: Provision a set of instances
              datacenter: Example
              name: server%02d
              auto_increment: true
              count: 2
              cores: 4
              ram: 4096
              image: 25cfc4fd-fe2f-11e6-afc5-525400f64d8d
              image_password: secretpassword
              location: us/las
              assign_public_ip: true
              remove_boot_volume: true
              state: present
          register: ionos

Execute a Playbook

If your credentials are not already defined:

export IONOS_USERNAME=username
export IONOS_PASSWORD=password

The ansible-playbook command will execute the above Playbook.

ansible-playbook example.yml

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