// Import classes:importcom.ionoscloud.certmanager.ApiClient;importcom.ionoscloud.certmanager.ApiException;importcom.ionoscloud.certmanager.Configuration;importcom.ionoscloud.certmanager.auth.*;importcom.ionoscloud.certmanager.model.*;importcom.ionoscloud.certmanager.api.CertificatesApi;publicclassExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {ApiClient defaultClient =Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuthHttpBasicAuth basicAuthentication = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basicAuth");basicAuthentication.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");basicAuthentication.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");CertificatesApi apiInstance =newCertificatesApi(defaultClient); String offset = "offset_example"; // String | 'Limit' and 'Offset' are optional; you can use these filter parameters to retrieve only part of the results obtained by a request. Offset is the first element (from the complete list of elements) to be included in the response.
String limit = "limit_example"; // String | 'Limit' and 'Offset' are optional; you can use these filter parameters to retrieve only part of the results of a query. If both 'Offset' and 'Limit'are specified, the offset lines are skipped before counting the returned limit lines.
try {CertificateCollectionDto result =apiInstance.certificatesGet(offset, limit);System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling CertificatesApi#certificatesGet");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); } }}
'Limit' and 'Offset' are optional; you can use these filter parameters to retrieve only part of the results obtained by a request. Offset is the first element (from the complete list of elements) to be included in the response.
'Limit' and 'Offset' are optional; you can use these filter parameters to retrieve only part of the results of a query. If both 'Offset' and 'Limit'are specified, the offset lines are skipped before counting the returned limit lines.