Manage DNS Zones

Note: Only contract administrators, owners, and users with Access and manage DNS privilege can create and manage DNS zones and records. You can set user privileges in the DCD or the API.

Create a DNS Zone

To create a zone, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > Cloud DNS.

Select Cloud DNS from the menu

Info: The Public Zones section displays the DNS zones already created.

  1. Click Create your first DNS zone in the Public Zones tab to open the Create Primary Zone window.

Create your first DNS zone

Info: If you have already created your first zone, but want to configure additional zones, click Create Zone to open the Create Primary Zone window.

Create a DNS zone
  1. Enter the following details in the Create Primary Zone window:

    • Enabled/Disabled: Set the status to either Enabled (Default) or Disabled.

    • Name: Enter an appropriate name for your DNS zone.

    • Description (Optional): Enter an appropriate description for your DNS zone.

Note: When a zone is disabled, its corresponding SOA record is removed, and the zone is no longer associated with IONOS nameservers.

Define zone properties
  1. Click Create Zone to create the DNS zone.

The success message for creation provides you the option to copy the IONOS nameservers to configure the domain at your registrar. Alternatively, you can also proceed to create records within the created zone.

Zone creation is successful

Result: Your DNS zone is now created.

View the list of DNS Zones

After creation, you can view the list of zones and manage them as required.

To view a list of the zones, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > Cloud DNS > Public Zones tab.

List of Zones

Result: A list of all zones with the following details are displayed: — DNS ZONES: Displays the name of the zone. — STATES: Displays the state of the respective zone.  — Available: Indicates that the zone is available and healthy.  — Provisioning: Indicates that the zone is being created or updated.  — Destroying: Indicates that the zone is being deleted.  — Failed: Indicates that an error occurred during creation, update or deletion. — ENABLED/DISABLED: Indicates if the zone is currently enabled or disabled. — ACTIONS: Select the three dots to perform the following operations:  — Details & Records: Select to view the details of the respective zone and manage its records.  — Copy Zone UUID: Copy the UUID of the zone.  — Copy endpoint HREF: Copy the Cloud DNS API HREF of the zone. It is especially useful when using the Cloud DNS API for advanced DNS management.

View details of a DNS Zone

To view details of a given zone, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > Cloud DNS > Public Zones tab.

  2. Select the zone to view its details. Alternatively, you can also select Details & Records in the ACTION column to view the details.

  3. In the Details & Records window, select Zone Details.

Result: The following information is displayed in Zone details: — Zone Name: Displays the name of the zone. — Status: Indicates if the zone is Available.  — Available: Indicates that the zone is available and healthy.  — Provisioning: Indicates that the zone is being created or updated.  — Destroying: Indicates that the zone is being deleted.  — Failed: Indicates that an error occurred during creation, update or deletion. — Enabled: Displays Yes if the zone is Enabled or No when it is Disabled. — UUID: Displays the UUID of the zone. Click Copy if you want to copy it to the clipboard. — Creation date: Displays the creation date and time of the zone. — Last modified: Displays the last modified date and time of the zone. — Nameservers: Displays the nameservers of the zone. Click Copy if you want to copy it to the clipboard. — Description: Displays the description of the zone.

Zones Details

Update details of a DNS Zone

To update details of a given zone, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > Cloud DNS > Public Zones tab.

  2. Select a zone to update its details.

  3. In the Details & Records window:

    • click Zone Details to view the details. You can click Copy to copy the UUID and the Nameservers to the clipboard.

    • click Edit zone to make the following changes:

      • Toggle Enabled/Disabled to enable or disable the zone status.

      • You can also update the Description (Optional).

  4. Click Update Zone.

Zone Update

Result: The details of your zones are updated.

Delete a DNS Zone

To delete a given zone, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > Cloud DNS > Public Zones tab.

  2. Delete a zone using the following options:

    • Delete multiple zones either in bulk or individually by selecting respective checkboxes and clicking Delete.

    Delete a Zone by selecting an appropriate checkbox
    • Select Delete Primary Zone from the ACTIONS column to delete the respective DNS zone.

    Delete a Zone using the option in ACTIONS column
    • Click on the specific zone and in the Details & Records window, click Edit zone. Click Delete Zone.

    Delete a Zone using the Edit zone option
  3. Click Delete in the Delete primary zone confirmation dialog box.

Confirm deletion

Result: Your zone is deleted.

Last updated

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