All URIs are relative to
HTTP request
ClusterResponseData clusters_delete(cluster_id)
Delete a DataPlatformCluster
Deletes the specified DataPlatformCluster by its distinct cluster ID. The ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformClusterApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. try:# Delete a DataPlatformCluster api_response = api_instance.clusters_delete(cluster_id)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformClusterApi.clusters_delete: %s\n'% e)
Retrieve the specified DataPlatformCluster by its distinct ID. The cluster ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformClusterApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. try:# Retrieve a DataPlatformCluster api_response = api_instance.clusters_find_by_id(cluster_id)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformClusterApi.clusters_find_by_id: %s\n'% e)
List all available DataPlatformClusters that can be accessed by the user. The user might filter the request for the name of the DataPlatformCluster. If no cluster is available matching the request, the list will be empty.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformClusterApi(api_client)try:# List the DataPlatformClusters api_response = api_instance.clusters_get()print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformClusterApi.clusters_get: %s\n'% e)
Retrieves the Kubernetes configuration file (kubeconfig) for the specified DataPlatformCluster by its cluster ID. The ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformClusterApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. try:# Read the Kubeconfig api_response = api_instance.clusters_kubeconfig_find_by_cluster_id(cluster_id)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformClusterApi.clusters_kubeconfig_find_by_cluster_id: %s\n'% e)
Modifies the specified DataPlatformCluster by its distinct cluster ID. The fields in the request body are applied to the cluster. Note that the application to the cluster itself is performed asynchronously. You can check the sync state by querying the cluster with the GET method. The ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformClusterApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. patch_cluster_request = ionoscloud_dataplatform.PatchClusterRequest() # PatchClusterRequest | Request payload with the properties that shall be applied to an existing DataPlatformCluster.
try:# Partially Modify a DataPlatformCluster api_response = api_instance.clusters_patch(cluster_id, patch_cluster_request)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformClusterApi.clusters_patch: %s\n'% e)
Creates a new DataPlatformCluster. The cluster will be provisioned in the data center matching the provided datacenterID. Therefore the data center must be created upfront and must be accessible by the user issuing the request. To create a new virtual data center (VDC) see.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformClusterApi(api_client) create_cluster_request = ionoscloud_dataplatform.CreateClusterRequest() # CreateClusterRequest | Request payload with the properties that defines a new DataPlatformCluster and the credentials to interact with the PaaS API to create it.
try:# Create a DataPlatformCluster api_response = api_instance.clusters_post(create_cluster_request)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformClusterApi.clusters_post: %s\n'% e)
The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format.
Response filter to list only the clusters which include the specified name. The value is case insensitive and matched on the `name` property of the cluster. The input is limited to 63 characters with alphanumeric characters ([a-z0-9A-Z]), dashes (-), underscores (_), and dots (.) allowed.