Remove a DataPlatformNodePool from a DataPlatformCluster
Removes the specified node pool from the specified DataPlatformCluster and deletes the node pool afterwards. The cluster ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters. The node pool ID can be found in the response when a node pool is created or when you GET a list of all node pools assigned to a specific DataPlatformCluster.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformNodePoolApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. nodepool_id ='nodepool_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the node pool. Must conform to the UUID format. try:# Remove a DataPlatformNodePool from a DataPlatformCluster api_response = api_instance.clusters_nodepools_delete(cluster_id, nodepool_id)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformNodePoolApi.clusters_nodepools_delete: %s\n'% e)
Retrieve a node pool belonging to a Kubernetes cluster running Stackable by using its ID. The cluster ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters. The node pool ID can be found in the response when a node pool is created or when you GET a list of all node pools assigned to a specific DataPlatformCluster.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformNodePoolApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. nodepool_id ='nodepool_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the node pool. Must conform to the UUID format. try:# Retrieve a DataPlatformNodePool api_response = api_instance.clusters_nodepools_find_by_id(cluster_id, nodepool_id)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformNodePoolApi.clusters_nodepools_find_by_id: %s\n'% e)
List the DataPlatformNodePools of a DataPlatformCluster
List all node pools assigned to the specified DataPlatformCluster by its ID. The cluster ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformNodePoolApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. try:# List the DataPlatformNodePools of a DataPlatformCluster api_response = api_instance.clusters_nodepools_get(cluster_id)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformNodePoolApi.clusters_nodepools_get: %s\n'% e)
Modifies the specified node pool of a DataPlatformCluster. Update selected attributes of a node pool belonging to a Kubernetes cluster running Stackable. The fields in the request body are applied to the cluster. Note that the application to the node pool itself is performed asynchronously. You can check the sync state by querying the node pool with the GET method. The cluster ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters. The node pool ID can be found in the response when a node pool is created or when you GET a list of all node pools assigned to a specific DataPlatformCluster.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformNodePoolApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. nodepool_id ='nodepool_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the node pool. Must conform to the UUID format. patch_node_pool_request = ionoscloud_dataplatform.PatchNodePoolRequest() # PatchNodePoolRequest | Request payload with the properties that shall be applied to an existing DataPlatformNodePool.
try:# Partially Modify a DataPlatformNodePool api_response = api_instance.clusters_nodepools_patch(cluster_id, nodepool_id, patch_node_pool_request)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformNodePoolApi.clusters_nodepools_patch: %s\n'% e)
Create a DataPlatformNodePool for a distinct DataPlatformCluster
Creates a new node pool and assigns the node pool resources exclusively to the defined managed cluster. The cluster ID can be found in the response when a cluster is created or when you GET a list of all DataPlatformClusters.
from__future__import print_functionimport timeimport ionoscloud_dataplatformfrom import ApiException# Defining the host is optional and defaults to = ionoscloud_dataplatform.Configuration( host ='',)# Example of configuring HTTP Basic Authorizationconfiguration.username ='YOUR_USERNAME'configuration.password ='YOUR_PASSWORD'with ionoscloud_dataplatform.ApiClient(configuration)as api_client:# Create an instance of the API class api_instance = ionoscloud_dataplatform.DataPlatformNodePoolApi(api_client) cluster_id ='cluster_id_example'# str | The unique ID of the cluster. Must conform to the UUID format. create_node_pool_request = ionoscloud_dataplatform.CreateNodePoolRequest() # CreateNodePoolRequest | Request payload with the properties that defines a DataPlatformNodePool.
try:# Create a DataPlatformNodePool for a distinct DataPlatformCluster api_response = api_instance.clusters_nodepools_post(cluster_id, create_node_pool_request)print(api_response)except ApiException as e:print('Exception when calling DataPlatformNodePoolApi.clusters_nodepools_post: %s\n'% e)