
Manages FirewallRule Resource on IONOS Cloud.


  • Resource Name: FirewallRule

  • Resource Group:

  • Resource Version: v1alpha1

  • Resource Scope: Cluster


In order to manage resources on IONOS Cloud using Crossplane Provider, you need to have Crossplane Provider for IONOS Cloud installed into a Kubernetes Cluster, as a prerequisite. For a step-by-step guide, check the following link.

It is recommended to clone the repository for easier access to the example files.


Use the following command to create a resource instance. Before applying the file, check the properties defined in the spec.forProvider fields:

kubectl apply -f examples/ionoscloud/compute/firewallrule.yaml

Note: The command should be run from the root of the crossplane-provider-ionoscloud directory.


Use the following command to update an instance. Before applying the file, update the properties defined in the spec.forProvider fields:

kubectl apply -f examples/ionoscloud/compute/firewallrule.yaml

Note: The command should be run from the root of the crossplane-provider-ionoscloud directory.


Use the following commands to wait for resources to be ready and synced. Update the <instance-name> accordingly:

kubectl wait --for=condition=ready<instance-name>
kubectl wait --for=condition=synced<instance-name>


Use the following command to get a list of the existing instances:

kubectl get -f

Note: Use options --output wide, --output json to get more information about the resource instances.


Use the following command to destroy the resources created by applying the file:

kubectl delete -f examples/ionoscloud/compute/firewallrule.yaml

Note: The command should be run from the root of the crossplane-provider-ionoscloud directory.


In order to configure the IONOS Cloud Resource, the user can set the spec.forProvider fields into the specification file for the resource instance. The required fields that need to be set can be found here. Following, there is a list of all the properties:

  • datacenterConfig (object)

    • description: DatacenterConfig contains information about the datacenter resource on which the resource will be created.

    • properties:

      • datacenterId (string)

        • description: DatacenterID is the ID of the Datacenter on which the resource will be created. It needs to be provided via directly or via reference.

        • format: uuid

      • datacenterIdRef (object)

        • description: DatacenterIDRef references to a Datacenter to retrieve its ID.

        • properties:

          • name (string)

            • description: Name of the referenced object.

          • policy (object)

            • description: Policies for referencing.

            • properties:

              • resolution (string)

                • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                • default: "Required"

                • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

              • resolve (string)

                • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

        • required properties:

          • name

      • datacenterIdSelector (object)

        • description: DatacenterIDSelector selects reference to a Datacenter to retrieve its DatacenterID.

        • properties:

          • matchControllerRef (boolean)

            • description: MatchControllerRef ensures an object with the same controller reference as the selecting object is selected.

          • matchLabels (object)

            • description: MatchLabels ensures an object with matching labels is selected.

          • policy (object)

            • description: Policies for selection.

            • properties:

              • resolution (string)

                • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                • default: "Required"

                • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

              • resolve (string)

                • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

  • icmpCode (integer)

    • description: Defines the allowed code (from 0 to 254) if protocol ICMP is chosen. Value null allows all codes.

    • format: int32

    • minimum: 0.000000

    • maximum: 254.000000

  • icmpType (integer)

    • description: Defines the allowed type (from 0 to 254) if the protocol ICMP is chosen. Value null allows all types.

    • format: int32

    • minimum: 0.000000

    • maximum: 254.000000

  • name (string)

    • description: The name of the resource.

  • nicConfig (object)

    • description: NicConfig contains information about the nic resource on which the resource will be created.

    • properties:

      • nicId (string)

        • description: NicID is the ID of the Nic on which the resource will be created. It needs to be provided via directly or via reference.

        • format: uuid

      • nicIdRef (object)

        • description: NicIDRef references to a Nic to retrieve its ID.

        • properties:

          • name (string)

            • description: Name of the referenced object.

          • policy (object)

            • description: Policies for referencing.

            • properties:

              • resolution (string)

                • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                • default: "Required"

                • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

              • resolve (string)

                • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

        • required properties:

          • name

      • nicIdSelector (object)

        • description: NicIDSelector selects reference to a Nic to retrieve its NicID.

        • properties:

          • matchControllerRef (boolean)

            • description: MatchControllerRef ensures an object with the same controller reference as the selecting object is selected.

          • matchLabels (object)

            • description: MatchLabels ensures an object with matching labels is selected.

          • policy (object)

            • description: Policies for selection.

            • properties:

              • resolution (string)

                • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                • default: "Required"

                • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

              • resolve (string)

                • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

  • portRangeEnd (integer)

    • description: Defines the end range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if the protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and portRangeEnd null to allow all ports.

    • format: int32

    • minimum: 1.000000

    • maximum: 65534.000000

  • portRangeStart (integer)

    • description: Defines the start range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen. Leave portRangeStart and portRangeEnd value null to allow all ports.

    • format: int32

    • minimum: 1.000000

    • maximum: 65534.000000

  • protocol (string)

    • description: The protocol for the rule. Property cannot be modified after it is created (disallowed in update requests).

    • possible values: "TCP";"UDP";"ICMP";"ANY"

  • serverConfig (object)

    • description: ServerConfig contains information about the server resource on which the resource will be created.

    • properties:

      • serverId (string)

        • description: ServerID is the ID of the Server on which the resource will be created. It needs to be provided via directly or via reference.

        • format: uuid

      • serverIdRef (object)

        • description: ServerIDRef references to a Server to retrieve its ID.

        • properties:

          • name (string)

            • description: Name of the referenced object.

          • policy (object)

            • description: Policies for referencing.

            • properties:

              • resolution (string)

                • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                • default: "Required"

                • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

              • resolve (string)

                • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

        • required properties:

          • name

      • serverIdSelector (object)

        • description: ServerIDSelector selects reference to a Server to retrieve its ServerID.

        • properties:

          • matchControllerRef (boolean)

            • description: MatchControllerRef ensures an object with the same controller reference as the selecting object is selected.

          • matchLabels (object)

            • description: MatchLabels ensures an object with matching labels is selected.

          • policy (object)

            • description: Policies for selection.

            • properties:

              • resolution (string)

                • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                • default: "Required"

                • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

              • resolve (string)

                • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

  • sourceIpConfig (object)

    • description: Only traffic originating from the respective IPv4 address is allowed. Value null allows traffic from any IP address. SourceIP can be set directly or via reference to an IP Block and index.

    • properties:

      • ip (string)

        • description: Use IP or CIDR to set specific IP or CIDR to the resource. If both IP and IPBlockConfig are set, only ip field will be considered.

        • pattern: ^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$

      • ipBlockConfig (object)

        • description: Use IpBlockConfig to reference existing IPBlock, and to mention the index for the IP. Index starts from 0 and it must be provided.

        • properties:

          • index (integer)

            • description: Index is referring to the IP index retrieved from the IPBlock. Index is starting from 0.

          • ipBlockId (string)

            • description: IPBlockID is the ID of the IPBlock on which the resource will be created. It needs to be provided via directly or via reference.

            • format: uuid

          • ipBlockIdRef (object)

            • description: IPBlockIDRef references to a IPBlock to retrieve its ID.

            • properties:

              • name (string)

                • description: Name of the referenced object.

              • policy (object)

                • description: Policies for referencing.

                • properties:

                  • resolution (string)

                    • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                    • default: "Required"

                    • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

                  • resolve (string)

                    • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                    • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

            • required properties:

              • name

          • ipBlockIdSelector (object)

            • description: IPBlockIDSelector selects reference to a IPBlock to retrieve its IPBlockID.

            • properties:

              • matchControllerRef (boolean)

                • description: MatchControllerRef ensures an object with the same controller reference as the selecting object is selected.

              • matchLabels (object)

                • description: MatchLabels ensures an object with matching labels is selected.

              • policy (object)

                • description: Policies for selection.

                • properties:

                  • resolution (string)

                    • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                    • default: "Required"

                    • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

                  • resolve (string)

                    • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                    • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

        • required properties:

          • index

  • sourceMac (string)

    • description: Only traffic originating from the respective MAC address is allowed. Valid format: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. Value null allows traffic from any MAC address.

    • pattern: ^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$

  • targetIpConfig (object)

    • description: If the target NIC has multiple IP addresses, only the traffic directed to the respective IP address of the NIC is allowed. Value null allows traffic to any target IP address. TargetIP can be set directly or via reference to an IP Block and index.

    • properties:

      • ip (string)

        • description: Use IP or CIDR to set specific IP or CIDR to the resource. If both IP and IPBlockConfig are set, only ip field will be considered.

        • pattern: ^([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$

      • ipBlockConfig (object)

        • description: Use IpBlockConfig to reference existing IPBlock, and to mention the index for the IP. Index starts from 0 and it must be provided.

        • properties:

          • index (integer)

            • description: Index is referring to the IP index retrieved from the IPBlock. Index is starting from 0.

          • ipBlockId (string)

            • description: IPBlockID is the ID of the IPBlock on which the resource will be created. It needs to be provided via directly or via reference.

            • format: uuid

          • ipBlockIdRef (object)

            • description: IPBlockIDRef references to a IPBlock to retrieve its ID.

            • properties:

              • name (string)

                • description: Name of the referenced object.

              • policy (object)

                • description: Policies for referencing.

                • properties:

                  • resolution (string)

                    • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                    • default: "Required"

                    • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

                  • resolve (string)

                    • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                    • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

            • required properties:

              • name

          • ipBlockIdSelector (object)

            • description: IPBlockIDSelector selects reference to a IPBlock to retrieve its IPBlockID.

            • properties:

              • matchControllerRef (boolean)

                • description: MatchControllerRef ensures an object with the same controller reference as the selecting object is selected.

              • matchLabels (object)

                • description: MatchLabels ensures an object with matching labels is selected.

              • policy (object)

                • description: Policies for selection.

                • properties:

                  • resolution (string)

                    • description: Resolution specifies whether resolution of this reference is required. The default is 'Required', which means the reconcile will fail if the reference cannot be resolved. 'Optional' means this reference will be a no-op if it cannot be resolved.

                    • default: "Required"

                    • possible values: "Required";"Optional"

                  • resolve (string)

                    • description: Resolve specifies when this reference should be resolved. The default is 'IfNotPresent', which will attempt to resolve the reference only when the corresponding field is not present. Use 'Always' to resolve the reference on every reconcile.

                    • possible values: "Always";"IfNotPresent"

        • required properties:

          • index

  • type (string)

    • description: The type of the firewall rule. If not specified, the default INGRESS value is used.

    • possible values: "INGRESS";"EGRESS"

Required Properties

The user needs to set the following properties in order to configure the IONOS Cloud Resource:

  • datacenterConfig

  • nicConfig

  • protocol

  • serverConfig

Resource Definition

The corresponding resource definition can be found here.

Resource Instance Example

An example of a resource instance can be found here.

Last updated