Welcome to the Core API Specification for IONOS Cloud services. This guide provides detailed information about the APIs IONOS offers, allowing you to manage and interact with your cloud resources effectively. If you want to provision servers, manage databases, monitor activities, or handle billing, IONOS APIs offer the functionality to streamline all these operations.
Note: You can find detailed information about each API within this specification, including endpoints, functionalities, and usage instructions. Access the links to the documentation for each API to dive deeper into the specifics as needed. For more information, see our Get Started with IONOS API guide to help you begin using our APIs.
The following is a list of all API Specification Files:
AI Model Hub API
Interact with AI models on IONOS Cloud.
AI Model Hub OpenAI API
Use OpenAI-compatible AI Model Hub API for chat completions.
Cloud API
Manage cloud resources like servers and volumes.
Container Registry API
Manage Docker and OCI-compliant registries.
Event Stream for Kafka API
Manage and interact with Kafka event streams.
DBaaS In-Memory DB API
Create and manage Redis® clusters.
Create and manage MariaDB clusters.
Manage MongoDB databases on the cloud.
DBaaS PostgreSQL API
Create and manage PostgreSQL clusters.
API Gateway API
Manage and configure API gateway instances.
Manage and configure CDN distributions.
Certificate Manager API
Provision and manage SSL certificates.
Manage zones and records for DNS.
VPN Gateway API
Manage and configure VPN gateways.
Activity Log API
Audit user activities and resource changes.
Billing API
Retrieve resource usage and invoices.
Logging Service API
Observe, search, and filter logs.
Monitoring Service API
Ingest, aggregate, and analyze data.
Monitoring as a Service API
Set alarms & alerts and retrieve alarm history.
IONOS Object Storage API
Store, retrieve, and delete objects.
IONOS Object Storage Management API
Manage object storage resources.
Network File Storage API
Manage shared file storage via NFS.
Auth API
Manage tokens for secure API access.
Identity API
Manage password policies.
Reseller API
Manage contracts and admin users.
Get up and running with libraries and integration tools.
Learn about IONOS APIs, SDKs, and Configuration Management tools. Empower your innovation with our developer-friendly tools and resources.
IONOS Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions can be managed through APIs, in addition to the Data Center Designer (DCD) web-based application. The IONOS API provides consistent concepts and features, delivers power and flexibility, and can be used to perform a multitude of management tasks, including adding servers and volumes and configuring networks. This API enables programmatic access to manage and control various aspects of cloud infrastructure. You can start using the IONOS APIs directly after getting authenticated. For more information, see Get Started with IONOS API.
IONOS Cloud SDKs provide a set of libraries to allow a seamless integration with IONOS services, and provide all the components needed to streamline the development process. The built-in security features and best practices implemented within the SDKs safeguard your applications and data. For more information, see our SDK Bundles Documentation.
IONOS offers a comprehensive suite of Configuration Management Tools providing users with solutions for seamless integration and efficient management of their cloud resources. The Configuration Management Tools provide all utilities required to simplify and automate resource management that allows users to gain the ability to efficiently provision, configure, and manage their infrastructure. You can ensure configuration consistency across environments and effectively manage your cloud infrastructure in a scalable manner. For more information, see our Configuration Management Tools Documentation.
APIs, SDKs, and Configuration Management Tools support both Basic Authentication and Bearer Token Authentication. The user accounts with currently 2FA enabled or forced need to use the Bearer Token Authentication method.
The Basic Authentication method will be discontinued in the near future and it should be used in combination with 2FA to increase security.
Learn how to use IONOS API and begin integrating them to leverage the capabilities of IONOS services through this guide.
Provide the Base URL of the IONOS API. Example: https://api.ionos.com/
To log in to the IONOS API, you need to use either of the following authentication methods:
All user accounts with currently 2FA enabled or forced need to use the Bearer Token Authentication method.
The Basic Authentication method will be discontinued in the near future and it should be used in combination with 2FA to increase security.
For the Reseller accounts, the Bearer Token Authentication improves handling as the additional header token for sub-contracts is not be required.
The IONOS APIs use the following standard HTTP response codes:
It is the format of the data that is being sent in the request body when interacting with an API endpoint. Request schema has all expected properties, data types, and constraints or validations that should be applied to the request payload. The request schema is specified using JSON Schema
or another schema definition language supported by OpenAPI.
Path parameters allow dynamic routing, and you can request different resources using a common endpoint structure. This does not include the host or base path of the API. For example, in /datacenter/{datacenterId}
, the path parameter is datacenterId
Parameters that are appended to the URL to customize the request and filter data. For example, in /datacenters?depth=###
, the query parameter is depth
Custom headers are expected as part of the request and are sent in the header section. They are usually used for authentication tokens, content type negotiation, caching directives, and other metadata related to the request. HTTP Headers are an important part of the API request and response as they represent the meta-data associated with the API request and response.
For IONOS S3 Object Storage, the headers carry information that is compatible with the S3 standard and, therefore, may require specific headers for certain operations.
The following IONOS APIs use the header parameters:
The following is the description of the header parameters used in IONOS APIs:
The request body is described using a schema that defines the structure and format of the data expected in the body of the request. This schema can include parameters, JSON
, or other data formats specific to the API design. This data is then sent by the client to the server in an HTTP request.
For example, for GET
request for /cloudapi/v6/datacenters
API, we have the following request body sample:
Note: This example is for the CloudAPI with a successful acceptance returned with HTTP 202; this could be different for other APIs. For CloudAPI, resources are created asynchronously and handled by other endpoints. You can check for the progress via the Status URL that is returned in the response header of the POST or PUT call.
Example: GET https://api.ionos.com/cloudapi/v6/requests/abcxea-0001-9910-Y1Y2-aXXAAbnxxa/status
can be used to check the processing state of your request.
Once the datacenter resource is created, you will get a response.
To authenticate using a Basic Authentication with the IONOS API, follow these steps:
Request a token using the following GET
You need to pass the encoded Base64 token in your CURL command. You can obtain the format and generate the token by using:
Once you receive the Base64 encoded token, you can use it in your cURL command to obtain the Basic Authentication token:
If your request is successful, the response will include an access token. This token is a string of characters that serves as your authentication credential for subsequent API requests. Retrieve the access token to interact with the APIs.
To authenticate using a Bearer Token with the IONOS API, follow these steps:
Request a token using the following GET
You need to pass the secure token in your cURL command. You can obtain the secure token by using:
Once you receive the secure token, you can use the access token in your cURL command to obtain the Bearer Token:
If your request is successful, the response will include an access token. This token is a string of characters that serves as your authentication credential for subsequent API requests. Retrieve the access token to interact with the APIs.
Note: states header names are case insensitive.
Status code
It indicates that the server has successfully processed the request.
It indicates that the request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource.
It indicates that the request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed yet.
No Content
It indicates that the server successfully processed the request, but there is no content to return in the response payload.
Bad Request
It indicates that the server cannot process the client's request due to invalid syntax or parameters.
It indicates that the request requires user authentication and the client needs to provide valid credentials for access.
It indicates that the server understood the request, but the client does not have permission to access the requested resource.
Not Found
It indicates that the requested resource could not be found on the server.
It indicates that the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource.
Unprocessable Entity
It indicates that the server understands the request, but it cannot process it due to semantic errors.
Too Many Requests
It indicates that the client has exceeded the rate limit or quota for accessing the server, and the request has been rejected.
Internal Server Error
It indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Service Unavailable
It indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request due to overloading or maintenance.
Supported Authorization Methods
Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Basic Auth
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Basic Auth and Bearer Token
Bearer Token
Hash-Based Message Authentication Codes (HMAC)
Hash-Based Message Authentication Codes (HMAC)
Basic Auth
Bearer Token
Path parameter
The unique identifier of the datacenter.
Query parameter
The depth of query parameter used to specify how many levels of URIs should be expanded.
Supported Header Parameter
S3 Object Storage
, x-amz-acl
, x-amz-grant-full-control
, x-amz-grant-read-acp
, x-amz-grant-write
, x-amz-grant-write-acp
Header parameter
It specifies the contract number associated with the account making the request in the IONOS API. It is only required for the reseller master contract users if they are using Basic Auth as an authentication method. All other users can skip this header.
It contains a base64-encoded MD5 hash of the request body content, ensuring data integrity during transmission.
It sets access control permissions for the resource, defining who can access it.
It grants full control permissions over the resource to the specified users or groups.
It grants permission to read the Access Control Policy (ACP) for the specified resource.
It grants write permissions to the specified users or groups for the resource.
It grants permission to write to the Access Control Policy (ACP) for the specified resource.
Status code
The request is received and accepted for processing. The creation process is still ongoing, and the server will need some time to complete the creation of the datacenter resource before returning a final response.
Software Development Kits (SDKs) are the comprehensive packages that provide tools, libraries, and code samples necessary to integrate a platform into your application. SDKs streamline the development process by abstracting away the complexity of interacting with the underlying APIs, allowing you to focus on building your applications.
The IONOS Cloud SDKs offer the following key benefits:
Streamlined Integration: The IONOS Cloud SDKs provide easy-to-use libraries to simplify the integration process into your applications.
Scalability and Flexibility: IONOS Cloud SDKs let you handle growing workloads through scalability and flexibility to adapt to changing requirements.
Enhanced Security: The built-in security features and best practices implemented within the SDKs safeguard your applications and data.
Seamless Access to IONOS Services: You can easily interact with various IONOS services, such as cloud infrastructure, storage, and networking, through the intuitive APIs of our SDKs.
Increased Productivity: You can leverage pre-built functions and components to reduce the development time and effort.
Improved Performance: IONOS Cloud SDKs allow you to get consistent performance across different programming languages and platforms supported by IONOS SDKs.
You can simplify integration with PostgreSQL database clusters through the development kits, to ensure a seamless utilization of IONOS DBaaS services.
You can facilitate effortless integration with MongoDB database clusters to allow users to use IONOS DBaaS services in full capabilities.
Software Development Kits tailored to specific languages, such as GOLang, for better integration of IONOS Cloud services.
Config Management Tools allow you to automate the management of your VDC and the surrounding infrastructure.
DevOps teams apply these infrastructure automation principles by leveraging common cloud libraries, SDKs, and APIs. DevOps teams benefit from infrastructure as code for better scalability, monitoring and efficiency.
The following third-party tools are supported:
IonosCTL is a tool for managing your IONOS Cloud resources directly from your terminal. The IonosCTL CLI is currently under development. We are working on adding new commands and use cases to support all the operations available in the Cloud API.
You can simplify integration with MariaDB database clusters and enable seamless utilization of IONOS DBaaS services using MariaDB SDKs.
These development kits provide effortless integration with the IONOS Container Registry and allow you to enable seamless management of relevant registries.
The Compute SDK wraps the Cloud API and is designed for developers who build applications in five languages: Go, Java, Ruby, Python and NodeJS. All API operations are performed over SSL and authenticated using your IONOS Cloud portal credentials. The API can be accessed within an instance running in IONOS Cloud or directly over the Internet from any application that can send an HTTPS request and receive an HTTPS response.
The IONOS provider for Terraform is used to interact with the cloud computing and storage resources provided by IONOS Cloud. Before you begin, you must subscribe to an IONOS account. The credentials you create during sign-up will be used to authenticate against the Cloud API.
Terraform currently supports our latest V5 and v6 offerings.
Learn more about
Learn more about
If you have further questions regarding IonosCTL, please contact our .
You can use Cloud DNS SDKs to seamlessly integrate with IONOS Cloud DNS service. This allows you to efficiently manage DNS zones and records.
The Auth SDK wraps the Auth API and is designed for developers who build applications in Go. All API operations are performed over SSL and authenticated using your IONOS Cloud portal credentials. The API can be accessed within an instance running in IONOS Cloud or directly over the Internet from any application that can send an HTTPS request and receive an HTTPS response.
The development kit used to provide seamless integration with the IONOS Certificate Manager. This allows you to conveniently provision and manage SSL certificates across connected resources.
You can streamline your integration with IONOS Data Platform and leverage advanced data management with easy analytics capabilities using Data Platform SDKs.
You can use Logging Service SDKs to enhance your logging capabilities and facilitate easy integration with IONOS logging services for efficient data management.