Images & Snapshots

IONOS provides you with a number of ready-made images that you can use immediately. You can also use your own images by uploading them via our FTP access. Your IONOS account supports many types of HDD images as well as ISO images from which you can install an operating system or software directly, using an emulated CD-ROM drive.

Image types

The following image types can be uploaded:

HDD images:

VMWare disk image

Microsoft disk image

RAW disk image


UDF file system

Parallels disk image

ISO images:



Snapshots are images generated from storage that have already been provisioned. You can use these images for other storage. This feature is useful, for example, if you need to quickly roll out more virtual machines that have the same or similar configuration. You can use snapshots on HDD and SSD storage, regardless of the storage type for which the snapshot was created. To create snapshots, users who are not contract owners or administrators need to have the appropriate privileges.

Create a snapshot

You can create snapshots from provisioned SSD and HDD storage. Regardless of the underlying storage type (HDD or SSD), snapshots use up HDD storage space assigned to an IONOS account. Therefore, if you want to create a snapshot, you must have enough HDD memory available.

The VM can be switched on or off when creating a snapshot. To ensure that data still in the RAM of the VM is included in the snapshot. It is recommended that you synchronize the data (with sync under Linux) or shut down the guest operating system (with shutdown -h now under Linux) before creating the snapshot.

  1. Open the required data center.

  2. (Optional) Shut down the server. Creating a snapshot while the server is running takes longer.

  3. Open the context menu of the storage element and select Create Snapshot.

  4. (Optional) Change the name and the description of the snapshot.

  5. Click on Create Snapshot to start the process.

The snapshot is being created. It will be available in the Image Manager and in My own Images > Snapshots.

Upload an image

IONOS offers FTP access for each of our data center locations so that you can upload your own images. An image is only available at the location where it was uploaded.

You can manage your uploaded images and the snapshots you created with the DCD's Image Manager. You can specify who can access and use them. Only images and snapshots to which you have access are displayed.

To open the Image Manager, go to Menu Bar > Resource Manager > Image Manager.

If you want to upload an image, you must first set up a connection from your computer to the IONOS FTP server. This can be done using an FTP client such as FileZilla or tools from your operating system. Then copy the image to the FTP upload of the IONOS data center location where you wish to use the image. After uploading, the image will be converted to a RAW format. As a result, dynamic HDD images are always used at their maximum size. A dynamic image, for example, whose file size is 3 GB, but which comes from a 50 GB hard disk, will be a 50 GB image again after conversion to the IONOS format. The disk space required for an uploaded image will not affect the resources of your IONOS account and you will not be charged.

FTP addresses:

Frankfurt am Main (DE): ftps://; Karlsruhe (DE): ftps://; Berlin (DE): ftps://; London (GB): ftps://; Las Vegas (US): ftps://; Newark (US): ftps://; Logroño (ES): ftps://

In the DCD, FTP addresses are listed here: Menu Bar > Image Manager > FTP Image Upload

Example: Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can upload an image, without additional software, as follows.

How to set up FTP access

  1. Open Windows Explorer.

  2. Select Add a network location from the context menu.

  3. Enter the IONOS FTP address as the location of the website, e.g. ftps:// An image is only available at the location where it was uploaded.

  4. In the next dialog box, leave the Log on anonymously check box activated.

  5. In the next dialog box, enter a name for the connection which will later be visible in Windows Explorer, e.g. upload_fkb.

  6. Confirm your entries by clicking Finish.

The FTP connection is available in Windows Explorer.

How to copy an image to the FTP upload.

  1. Open the FTP access on your PC.

  2. In the login dialog box, enter the credentials of your IONOS account.

  3. Copy the image you wish to upload to the folder matching the image type (HDD or iso).

As soon as the upload begins, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from IONOS.

After the upload has been completed, the image will be available in the Image Manager and in Own Images.

How to delete an image or snapshot

If you no longer need a snapshot or image and want to save resources, you can delete it.

  1. Open the Image Manager: Menu Bar > Resource Manager > Image Manager.

  2. To delete a snapshot, open the Snapshots tab and select the snapshot you would like to delete.

  3. To delete an image, open the Images tab and select the image you would like to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

In the dialog that appears, confirm your action by entering your password and clicking OK. The selected item is deleted and cannot be restored.

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