Once the basic infrastructure has been set up, you are ready to deploy services to the cluster. To do this, you must provide Kubernetes with service descriptions for each service you wish to deploy.
Apache Zookeeper
Deploy an Apache ZooKeeper instance to your cluster:
This deploys an Apache Kafka broker that depends on the ZooKeeper service you just deployed. The zookeeperReference property below points to the namespace and name you gave to the ZooKeeper service deployed previously.
You can use kubectl get pods to check the status of the services, but you must first install these tools (simple-kafka, simple-nifi, etc.). This will return the status of all pods that are currently running in the default namespace.
Note: The software download from the Stackable repository and deployment of the services will take time because this is the first time that each service has been deployed to these nodes. Your cluster is prepared for use once the pods are in the running state.