Create a Sharded Database Cluster

This section shows you how to create a MongoDB sharded cluster using the IONOS API. This feature is available only for enterprise clusters.

For information about prerequisites to retrieve the data center UUID, query database status, connect to the cluster, and prepare the network, see Create a Cluster.

Create the cluster

This request will create a sharded-database cluster with three instances of MongoDB version 6.0.

Note: The use of shards in the request identifies the number of shards, while type defines the cluster as a sharded cluster.

Note: Only contract administrators and owners can create and change database clusters. In contrast, the running database cluster can be accessed from all servers in the specified LAN.


curl --include \
    --request POST \
    --user "" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-binary '{
      "metadata": {},
        "mongoDBVersion": "6.0",
        "instances": 3,
        "location": "de/fra",
        "displayName": "a good name for a database",
        "connections": [
            "datacenterId": "b1432c51-c20a-4f83-876f-c3a8a9e1fbec",
            "lanId": "28",
            "cidrList": ["", "", ""]
        "type": "sharded-cluster",
        "shards": 2,
        "edition": "enterprise",
        "cores": 4,
        "ram": 2048,
        "storageSize": 20000,
        "storageType": "HDD"
    }' \


Note: We will use 498ae72f-411f-11eb-9d07-046c59cc737e as example for the cluster ID in following examples.

  "type": "cluster",
  "id": "498ae72f-411f-11eb-9d07-046c59cc737e",
  "metadata": {
    "state": "BUSY",
    "health": "UNKNOWN",
    "createdDate": "2020-12-10T12:37:50.000Z",
    "createdBy": "",
    "createdByUserId": "012342f-411f-1eeb-9d07-046c59cc737e"
  "properties": {
    "displayName": "a good name for a database",
    "location": "de/fra",
    "connections": [
        "datacenterId": "b1432c51-c20a-4f83-876f-c3a8a9e1fbec",
        "lanId": "28",
        "cidrList": [
    "instances": 3,
    "shards": 2,
    "edition": "enterprise",
    "cores": 4,
    "ram": 2048,
    "storageSize": 20000,
    "storageType": "HDD",
    "type": "sharded-cluster",
    "maintenanceWindow": {
      "time": "15:39:01",
      "dayOfTheWeek": "Friday"
    "connectionString": "mongodb+srv://"

At this point, you have created your first MongoDB sharded cluster. The deployment of the database takes several minutes. For more information about determining if your cluster is ready, see Querying database status.

When the cluster is ready, add the role enableSharding to a user in order to allow shard management capabilities. For managing user roles, see Changing the roles. Only users with enableSharding role can shard a collection. For more information, see shardCollection.

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