Associate an SSH key with a VM

To associate an SSH key with a Linux storage image of a VM, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the DCD with your credentials.

  2. If a VM does not exist, drag a VM element (a Dedicated Core server, a vCPU Server, or a Cube) from the palette onto the workspace based on your needs. Else, you can choose to add storage to an existing VM.

  3. Click + on the VM to attach storage.

Attach SSH keys with a VM's Linux image
  1. Based on the need, either associate an HDD or an SSD storage by choosing one of these options: Create and attach HDD Storage or Create and attach SSD Storage.

Associate a key type
  1. Click Create HDD Storage or Create SSD Storage. The option differs based on the storage type you have chosen.

Result: The selected SSH key is associated with your VM.

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