S3 Endpoints

The IONOS S3 Object Storage Service endpoints are listed below.

Frankfurt, Germany (EU Central)

  • S3 region (global default): de

  • S3 endpoint: s3-eu-central-1.ionoscloud.com

    • Legacy endpoint: s3-de-central.profitbricks.com

  • S3 static website endpoint: s3-website-de-central.profitbricks.com (Please note that only this region uses the profitbricks.com domain for static website endpoints.)

Berlin, Germany (EU Central)

  • S3 region (LocationConstraint): eu-central-2

  • S3 endpoint: s3-eu-central-2.ionoscloud.com

    • Legacy endpoint s3-eu-central-2.profitbricks.com

  • S3 static website endpoint: s3-website-eu-central-2.ionoscloud.com

Logrono, Spain (EU South)

  • S3 region (LocationConstraint): eu-south-2

  • S3 endpoint: s3-eu-south-2.ionoscloud.com

    • Legacy endpoint: s3-eu-south-2.profitbricks.com

  • S3 static website endpoint: s3-website-eu-south-2.ionoscloud.com

Note: The IONOS S3 Object Storage Service does not support HTTPS for hosting static websites unless the full domain path is used.

Last updated

Revision created on 1/4/2024