All URIs are relative to
HTTP request
Copy var result = ZonesDelete (ctx, zoneId)
. Execute ()
Delete a zone
Copy package main
import (
ionoscloud ""
func main () {
zoneId := TODO // string | The ID (UUID) of the DNS zone.
configuration := ionoscloud. NewConfiguration ( "USERNAME" , "PASSWORD" , "TOKEN" , "HOST_URL" )
apiClient := ionoscloud. NewAPIClient (configuration)
resp, err := apiClient.ZonesApi. ZonesDelete (context. Background (), zoneId). Execute ()
if err != nil {
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ZonesApi.ZonesDelete``: %v \n" , err)
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v \n" , resp)
Path Parameters
context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
The ID (UUID) of the DNS zone.
Other Parameters
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to an apiZonesDeleteRequest struct via the builder pattern
Return type
(empty response body)
Content-Type : Not defined
Copy var result ZoneRead = ZonesFindById (ctx, zoneId)
. Execute ()
Retrieve a zone
Copy package main
import (
ionoscloud ""
func main () {
zoneId := TODO // string | The ID (UUID) of the DNS zone.
configuration := ionoscloud. NewConfiguration ( "USERNAME" , "PASSWORD" , "TOKEN" , "HOST_URL" )
apiClient := ionoscloud. NewAPIClient (configuration)
resource, resp, err := apiClient.ZonesApi. ZonesFindById (context. Background (), zoneId). Execute ()
if err != nil {
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ZonesApi.ZonesFindById``: %v \n" , err)
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v \n" , resp)
// response from `ZonesFindById`: ZoneRead
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stdout, "Response from `ZonesApi.ZonesFindById`: %v \n" , resource)
Path Parameters
context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
The ID (UUID) of the DNS zone.
Other Parameters
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to an apiZonesFindByIdRequest struct via the builder pattern
Return type
Content-Type : Not defined
Copy var result ZoneReadList = ZonesGet (ctx)
. FilterState (filterState)
. FilterZoneName (filterZoneName)
. Offset (offset)
. Limit (limit)
. Execute ()
Retrieve zones
Copy package main
import (
ionoscloud ""
func main () {
filterState := openapiclient. ProvisioningState ( "PROVISIONING" ) // ProvisioningState | Filter used to fetch all zones in a particular state. (optional)
filterZoneName := "" // string | Filter used to fetch only the zones that contain the specified zone name. (optional)
offset := int32 ( 56 ) // int32 | The first element (of the total list of elements) to include in the response. Use together with limit for pagination. (optional) (default to 0)
limit := int32 ( 56 ) // int32 | The maximum number of elements to return. Use together with offset for pagination. (optional) (default to 100)
configuration := ionoscloud. NewConfiguration ( "USERNAME" , "PASSWORD" , "TOKEN" , "HOST_URL" )
apiClient := ionoscloud. NewAPIClient (configuration)
resource, resp, err := apiClient.ZonesApi. ZonesGet (context. Background ()). FilterState (filterState). FilterZoneName (filterZoneName). Offset (offset). Limit (limit). Execute ()
if err != nil {
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ZonesApi.ZonesGet``: %v \n" , err)
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v \n" , resp)
// response from `ZonesGet`: ZoneReadList
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stdout, "Response from `ZonesApi.ZonesGet`: %v \n" , resource)
Path Parameters
Other Parameters
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to an apiZonesGetRequest struct via the builder pattern
Filter used to fetch all zones in a particular state.
Filter used to fetch only the zones that contain the specified zone name.
The first element (of the total list of elements) to include in the response. Use together with limit for pagination.
The maximum number of elements to return. Use together with offset for pagination.
Return type
Content-Type : Not defined
Copy var result ZoneRead = ZonesPost (ctx)
. ZoneCreate (zoneCreate)
. Execute ()
Create a zone
Copy package main
import (
ionoscloud ""
func main () {
zoneCreate := * openapiclient. NewZoneCreate ( * openapiclient. NewZone ( "" )) // ZoneCreate | zone
configuration := ionoscloud. NewConfiguration ( "USERNAME" , "PASSWORD" , "TOKEN" , "HOST_URL" )
apiClient := ionoscloud. NewAPIClient (configuration)
resource, resp, err := apiClient.ZonesApi. ZonesPost (context. Background ()). ZoneCreate (zoneCreate). Execute ()
if err != nil {
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ZonesApi.ZonesPost``: %v \n" , err)
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v \n" , resp)
// response from `ZonesPost`: ZoneRead
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stdout, "Response from `ZonesApi.ZonesPost`: %v \n" , resource)
Path Parameters
Other Parameters
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to an apiZonesPostRequest struct via the builder pattern
Return type
Content-Type : application/json
Copy var result ZoneRead = ZonesPut (ctx, zoneId)
. ZoneEnsure (zoneEnsure)
. Execute ()
Ensure a zone
Copy package main
import (
ionoscloud ""
func main () {
zoneId := TODO // string | The ID (UUID) of the DNS zone.
zoneEnsure := * openapiclient. NewZoneEnsure ( * openapiclient. NewZone ( "" )) // ZoneEnsure | update zone
configuration := ionoscloud. NewConfiguration ( "USERNAME" , "PASSWORD" , "TOKEN" , "HOST_URL" )
apiClient := ionoscloud. NewAPIClient (configuration)
resource, resp, err := apiClient.ZonesApi. ZonesPut (context. Background (), zoneId). ZoneEnsure (zoneEnsure). Execute ()
if err != nil {
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Error when calling `ZonesApi.ZonesPut``: %v \n" , err)
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stderr, "Full HTTP response: %v \n" , resp)
// response from `ZonesPut`: ZoneRead
fmt. Fprintf (os.Stdout, "Response from `ZonesApi.ZonesPut`: %v \n" , resource)
Path Parameters
context for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc.
The ID (UUID) of the DNS zone.
Other Parameters
Other parameters are passed through a pointer to an apiZonesPutRequest struct via the builder pattern
Return type
Content-Type : application/json