
Type representing a IonosCloud Network Load Balancer.



Changeable properties:

  • public_ips

  • lans

  • rules

  • flowlogs


To list resources:

puppet resource networkloadbalancer

NOTE: If two resources have the same name only one of them will be shown.

To create, update or delete a resource:

$datacenter_name = 'testdc1'

datacenter { $datacenter_name :
  ensure      => present,
  location    => 'us/las',
  description => 'my data center desc.'
-> networkloadbalancer { 'testnetlb':
  datacenter_name => $datacenter_name,
  ips             => [''],
  lb_private_ips  => ['', ''],
  target_lan      => 3,
  listener_lan    => 1,
  flowlogs        => [
      name      => 'test123123',
      action    => 'ALL',
      bucket    => 'testtest234134124214',
      direction => 'INGRESS',
  rules           => [
      name             => 'regula',
      algorithm        => 'ROUND_ROBIN',
      protocol         => 'TCP',
      listener_ip      => '',
      listener_port    => 22,
      health_check     => {
        client_timeout  => 50000,
        connect_timeout => 5001,
        target_timeout  => 50000,
        retries         => 4
      targets          =>[
        ip             => '',
        port           => 22,
        weight         => 1,
        'health_check' => {
          check          => true,
          check_interval => 2000,
          maintenance    => false,
      name          => 'regula2',
      algorithm     => 'ROUND_ROBIN',
      protocol      => 'TCP',
      listener_ip   => '',
      listener_port => 23,
      health_check  => {
        client_timeout  => 50000,
        connect_timeout => 5001,
        target_timeout  => 50000,
        retries         => 4
      targets       =>[

NOTE: If two resources with the same name ar found an error will be thrown, this only applies to cases where the resource cannot be identified. Example: an error is thrown for two servers with the same name in the same datacenter, not for two servers with the same name, but in different datacenters.

Last updated