
Type representing a Ionoscloud K8s Nodepool.



Changeable properties:

  • k8s_version

  • node_count

  • maintenance_day

  • maintenance_time

  • min_node_count

  • max_node_count

  • lans

  • public_ips


To list resources:

puppet resource k8s_nodepool

NOTE: If two resources have the same name only one of them will be shown.

To create, update or delete a resource:

$cluster_name = 'puppet_module_testa'
$datacenter_name = 'testdc1'

k8s_nodepool { 'nodepool_test' :
  ensure            => present,
  cluster_name      => $cluster_name,
  datacenter_name   => $datacenter_name,
  k8s_version       => '1.18.5',
  maintenance_day   => 'Sunday',
  maintenance_time  => '13:53:00Z',
  node_count        => 1,
  cores_count       => 1,
  cpu_family        => 'INTEL_XEON',
  ram_size          => 2048,
  storage_type      => 'SSD',
  storage_size      => 10,
  min_node_count    => 1,
  max_node_count    => 2,
  availability_zone => 'AUTO',
  lans              => [
      'id'     => 2,
      'dhcp'   => true,
      'routes' => [],
      id     => 3,
      dhcp   => true,
      routes => [{
        network    => '',
        gateway_ip => '',

NOTE: If two resources with the same name ar found an error will be thrown, this only applies to cases where the resource cannot be identified. Example: an error is thrown for two servers with the same name in the same datacenter, not for two servers with the same name, but in different datacenters.

Last updated