The source files for this tutorial can be downloaded from its GitHub repository, or cloned into your current working directory using the command git clone before changing into the module-ansible/docs/tutorials/07__introducing_the_application_load_balancer sub-directory.
---- hosts:localhostconnection:localgather_facts:falsevars_files: - ../vars.yml - vars.ymltasks:# ======================================================================= - name:Get information about the datacenter '{{ datacenter_name }}'ionoscloudsdk.ionoscloud.datacenter_info:filters: { '':'{{ datacenter_name }}' }register:datacenter_info_response - name:Wait for user confirmationansible.builtin.pause: prompt: "About to delete '{{ datacenter_info_response.datacenters[0] }}' and all of its contents. Press <Enter> to proceed..."
- name:Delete the datacenter '{{ datacenter_name }}' and everything contained thereinionoscloudsdk.ionoscloud.datacenter:datacenter:"{{ datacenter_name }}"state:absent - name:Delete the IP Block corresponding to this exampleionoscloudsdk.ionoscloud.ipblock:ipblock:"IP Block for {{ datacenter_name }}"state:absent - name:And finally delete any 'temporary' or run-time filesansible.builtin.file:path:"{{ item }}"state:absentwith_items: - ssh_config - ssh_known_hosts_tmp - temporary_id_rsa - - inventory.yml - cloud-init--app-servers.txt