

This is a simple module that supports creating or removing NATGateway Flowlogs. This module has a dependency on ionoscloud >= 6.0.2

Example Syntax

name: Create NAT Gateway Flowlog
  name: 'AnsibleAutoTestNAT'
  action: ACCEPTED
  direction: INGRESS
  bucket: sdktest
  datacenter: ''
  nat_gateway: ''
  wait: true
register: nat_gateway_flowlog_response

name: Update NAT Gateway Flowlog
  datacenter: ''
  nat_gateway: ''
  flowlog: ''
  name: 'AnsibleAutoTestNAT'
  action: ALL
  direction: INGRESS
  bucket: sdktest
  wait: true
  state: update
register: nat_gateway_flowlog_update_response

name: Delete NAT Gateway Flowlog
  datacenter: ''
  nat_gateway: ''
  flowlog: ''
  state: absent

Returned object

    "changed": true,
    "failed": false,
    "action": "create",
    "flowlog": {
        "href": "https://api.ionos.com/cloudapi/v6/datacenters/c731955d-f702-4094-bc71-ecb769698c89/natgateways/296af42c-c9ce-4f29-bcb8-f12be048bed8/flowlogs/82b024ed-71f5-47fb-89ca-8deaded744ea",
        "id": "82b024ed-71f5-47fb-89ca-8deaded744ea",
        "metadata": {
            "created_by": "<USER_EMAIL>",
            "created_by_user_id": "<USER_ID>",
            "created_date": "2023-05-31T12:29:48+00:00",
            "etag": "5a5c4d7049d5814f9e95984ecda08840",
            "last_modified_by": "<USER_EMAIL>",
            "last_modified_by_user_id": "<USER_ID>",
            "last_modified_date": "2023-05-31T12:29:48+00:00",
            "state": "BUSY"
        "properties": {
            "action": "ACCEPTED",
            "bucket": "sdktest",
            "direction": "INGRESS",
            "name": "AnsibleAutoTestNAT"
        "type": "flow-log"

For more examples please check out the tests here.

state: present

name: Create NAT Gateway Flowlog
  name: 'AnsibleAutoTestNAT'
  action: ACCEPTED
  direction: INGRESS
  bucket: sdktest
  datacenter: ''
  nat_gateway: ''
  wait: true
register: nat_gateway_flowlog_response

Available parameters for state present:

state: absent

name: Delete NAT Gateway Flowlog
  datacenter: ''
  nat_gateway: ''
  flowlog: ''
  state: absent

Available parameters for state absent:

state: update

name: Update NAT Gateway Flowlog
  datacenter: ''
  nat_gateway: ''
  flowlog: ''
  name: 'AnsibleAutoTestNAT'
  action: ALL
  direction: INGRESS
  bucket: sdktest
  wait: true
  state: update
register: nat_gateway_flowlog_update_response

Available parameters for state update:

Last updated