VCPU Server
Create, update, destroy, update, start, stop, and reboot a Ionos virtual machine. When the virtual machine is created it can optionally wait for it to be 'running' before returning.
Example Syntax
For more examples please check out the tests here.
state: running
Available parameters for state running:
Name | Required | Description |
datacenter str | True | The datacenter to provision this virtual machine. |
instance_ids list | False | list of instance ids. Should only contain one ID if renaming in update state Default: |
api_url str | False | The Ionos API base URL. |
certificate_fingerprint str | False | The Ionos API certificate fingerprint. |
username str | False | The Ionos username. Overrides the IONOS_USERNAME environment variable. |
password str | False | The Ionos password. Overrides the IONOS_PASSWORD environment variable. |
token str | False | The Ionos token. Overrides the IONOS_TOKEN environment variable. |
wait bool | False | Wait for the resource to be created before returning. Default: True Options: [True, False] |
wait_timeout int | False | How long before wait gives up, in seconds. Default: 600 |
state str | False | Indicate desired state of the resource. Default: present Options: ['running', 'stopped', 'absent', 'present', 'update'] |
state: stopped
Available parameters for state stopped:
Name | Required | Description |
datacenter str | True | The datacenter to provision this virtual machine. |
instance_ids list | False | list of instance ids. Should only contain one ID if renaming in update state Default: |
api_url str | False | The Ionos API base URL. |
certificate_fingerprint str | False | The Ionos API certificate fingerprint. |
username str | False | The Ionos username. Overrides the IONOS_USERNAME environment variable. |
password str | False | The Ionos password. Overrides the IONOS_PASSWORD environment variable. |
token str | False | The Ionos token. Overrides the IONOS_TOKEN environment variable. |
wait bool | False | Wait for the resource to be created before returning. Default: True Options: [True, False] |
wait_timeout int | False | How long before wait gives up, in seconds. Default: 600 |
state str | False | Indicate desired state of the resource. Default: present Options: ['running', 'stopped', 'absent', 'present', 'update'] |
state: absent
Available parameters for state absent:
Name | Required | Description |
name str | False | The name of the virtual machine. |
datacenter str | True | The datacenter to provision this virtual machine. |
instance_ids list | False | list of instance ids. Should only contain one ID if renaming in update state Default: |
api_url str | False | The Ionos API base URL. |
certificate_fingerprint str | False | The Ionos API certificate fingerprint. |
username str | False | The Ionos username. Overrides the IONOS_USERNAME environment variable. |
password str | False | The Ionos password. Overrides the IONOS_PASSWORD environment variable. |
token str | False | The Ionos token. Overrides the IONOS_TOKEN environment variable. |
wait bool | False | Wait for the resource to be created before returning. Default: True Options: [True, False] |
wait_timeout int | False | How long before wait gives up, in seconds. Default: 600 |
state str | False | Indicate desired state of the resource. Default: present Options: ['running', 'stopped', 'absent', 'present', 'update'] |
state: present
Available parameters for state present:
Name | Required | Description |
name str | True | The name of the virtual machine. |
assign_public_ip bool | False | This will assign the machine to the public LAN. If no LAN exists with public Internet access it is created. Default: False Options: [True, False] |
image str | True | The image alias or ID for creating the virtual machine. |
image_password str | False | Password set for the administrative user. |
ssh_keys list | False | Public SSH keys allowing access to the virtual machine. Default: |
user_data str | False | The cloud-init configuration for the volume as base64 encoded string. |
volume_availability_zone str | False | The storage availability zone assigned to the volume. Options: ['AUTO', 'ZONE_1', 'ZONE_2', 'ZONE_3'] |
datacenter str | True | The datacenter to provision this virtual machine. |
cores int | False | The number of CPU cores to allocate to the virtual machine. Default: 2 |
ram int | False | The amount of memory to allocate to the virtual machine. Default: 2048 |
availability_zone str | False | The availability zone assigned to the server. Default: AUTO Options: ['AUTO', 'ZONE_1', 'ZONE_2', 'ZONE_3'] |
volume_size int | False | The size in GB of the boot volume. Default: 10 |
bus str | False | The bus type for the volume. Default: VIRTIO Options: ['IDE', 'VIRTIO'] |
count int | False | The number of virtual machines to create. Default: 1 |
location str | False | The datacenter location. Use only if you want to create the Datacenter or else this value is ignored. Default: us/las Options: ['us/las', 'us/ewr', 'de/fra', 'de/fkb', 'de/txl', 'gb/lhr'] |
lan str | False | The ID or name of the LAN you wish to add the servers to (can be a string or a number). |
nat bool | False | Boolean value indicating if the private IP address has outbound access to the public Internet. Default: False Options: [True, False] |
remove_boot_volume bool | False | Remove the bootVolume of the virtual machine you're destroying. Default: True Options: [True, False] |
disk_type str | False | The disk type for the volume. Default: HDD Options: ['HDD', 'SSD', 'SSD Standard', 'SSD Premium', 'DAS'] |
nic_ips list | False | The list of IPS for the NIC. |
boot_volume str | False | The volume used for boot. |
boot_cdrom str | False | The CDROM used for boot. |
api_url str | False | The Ionos API base URL. |
certificate_fingerprint str | False | The Ionos API certificate fingerprint. |
username str | False | The Ionos username. Overrides the IONOS_USERNAME environment variable. |
password str | False | The Ionos password. Overrides the IONOS_PASSWORD environment variable. |
token str | False | The Ionos token. Overrides the IONOS_TOKEN environment variable. |
wait bool | False | Wait for the resource to be created before returning. Default: True Options: [True, False] |
wait_timeout int | False | How long before wait gives up, in seconds. Default: 600 |
state str | False | Indicate desired state of the resource. Default: present Options: ['running', 'stopped', 'absent', 'present', 'update'] |
state: update
Available parameters for state update:
Name | Required | Description |
name str | False | The name of the virtual machine. |
datacenter str | True | The datacenter to provision this virtual machine. |
cores int | False | The number of CPU cores to allocate to the virtual machine. Default: 2 |
ram int | False | The amount of memory to allocate to the virtual machine. Default: 2048 |
instance_ids list | False | list of instance ids. Should only contain one ID if renaming in update state Default: |
boot_volume str | False | The volume used for boot. |
boot_cdrom str | False | The CDROM used for boot. |
api_url str | False | The Ionos API base URL. |
certificate_fingerprint str | False | The Ionos API certificate fingerprint. |
username str | False | The Ionos username. Overrides the IONOS_USERNAME environment variable. |
password str | False | The Ionos password. Overrides the IONOS_PASSWORD environment variable. |
token str | False | The Ionos token. Overrides the IONOS_TOKEN environment variable. |
wait bool | False | Wait for the resource to be created before returning. Default: True Options: [True, False] |
wait_timeout int | False | How long before wait gives up, in seconds. Default: 600 |
state str | False | Indicate desired state of the resource. Default: present Options: ['running', 'stopped', 'absent', 'present', 'update'] |
Last updated