View the list of MariaDB Clusters

After creation, you can view the list of MariaDB clusters and delete them if they are no longer required.

To view a list of the clusters, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the DCD with your username and password.

  2. Go to Menu > Databases > MariaDB.

Result: A list of all MariaDB clusters is displayed. You will see the following details:

  • NAME: Displays the name of the cluster. Select the name of the cluster to view its details.

  • STATE: Displays the state of the respective MariaDB cluster:

    • BUSY: When the cluster is in the creation mode or it is being updated.

    • AVAILABLE: When the cluster is available and healthy.

    • DESTROYING: When the cluster is being deleted.

    • FAILED: An error occurred.

  • LOCATION: Displays the location where the MariaDB cluster is located.

  • INSTANCES: Displays the number of nodes.

  • VERSION: The version is set to 10.6 by default.

  • OPTIONS: Select to perform the following:

    • Details: Select to view the details of the respective cluster.

    • Delete: Select to delete the corresponding cluster. In the dialog box that appears, select Delete to confirm deletion. For more information, see Delete a MariaDB Cluster.

List of MariaDB clusters

View individual cluster details

You can view the details of each cluster in the Details window:

  • Properties: Displays the cluster's UUID, DNS name, its version, state, the number of instances created, and the data center location where it is located.

  • Resources: Displays the number of CPUs utilized, RAM size and the storage used.

  • Datacenter connection: Displays the name of the data center, the associated LAN, and the dedicated private IP address.

  • Maintenance period: Displays the stipulated day of the week and the time scheduled for the maintenance window.

  • Point In Time Recovery: Displays the earliest backup available for restoration. For more information, see Restore a MariaDB Cluster from a Backup.

  • Delete cluster: Select to delete the respective cluster.

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