Manage DNS Records of a Zone

Note: Only contract administrators, owners, and users with Access and manage DNS privilege can create and manage DNS zones and records. You can set user privileges in the DCD or the API.

Prerequisite: A DNS zone is mandatory to create a record. For more information, see Manage DNS Zones for detailed instructions.

Create a DNS Record

To create a record, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Management > Networking > Cloud DNS.

  2. Select the concerned zone from the Zones overview.

  3. Select Records > Create Record to open the Create Record window.

  1. Enter the following details in the Create Record window:

    • Status: Set it to either Enabled (by default) or Disabled.

    • Name: Enter an appropriate name for your DNS record. Leaving the name field empty will result in the creation of an Apex record. You can also provide * to create a wildcard DNS record.

    • TTL: Enter an appropriate time-to-live setting in seconds for your DNS record. The default value is 3600 seconds.

    • Type: Select one of the following record types: A, AAAA , CNAME, ALIAS, MX, NS, SOA, SRV, TXT, CAA, SSHFP, TLSA, SMIMEA, DS, HTTPS, SVCB, OPENPGPKEY, CERT, URI, RP and LOC.

    • Content: Enter the content appropriate to the selected record type.

  2. Verify the record to be created in the Preview section.

  1. Click Save to create the DNS record.

Result: Your DNS record is now created.

View the list of DNS Records

After creation, you can view the list of records of a zone and manage them as required.

To view a list of the records, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Management > Networking > Cloud DNS.

  2. Select the concerned zone from the Zones overview.

  3. Select the Records tab.

Result: A list of all records in a zone is displayed in Zones details and Records. You will see the following details:

  • Name: Displays the FQDN of the record.

  • Type: Displays the type of the record: A, AAAA , CNAME, ALIAS, MX, NS, SOA, SRV, TXT, CAA, SSHFP, TLSA, SMIMEA, DS, HTTPS, SVCB, OPENPGPKEY, CERT, URI, RP and LOC.

  • Content: Displays the content of the record.

  • State: Displays the state of the respective record.

    • Available: Indicates that the record is available and healthy.

    • Provisioning: Indicates that the record is being created or updated.

    • Destroying: Indicates that the record is being deleted.

    • Failed: Indicates that an error occurred during creation, update or deletion.

  • Enabled/Disabled: Indicates if the record is currently enabled or disabled.

  • Actions: Select the three dots to perform the following operations:

    • Details and Edit: Select to view and update the details of the respective record.

    • Copy Record UUID: Copy the UUID of the record.

    • Copy endpoint HREF: Copy the Cloud DNS API HREF of the record. It is especially useful when using the Cloud DNS API for advanced DNS management.

View details of a DNS Record

To view details of a given record, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Management > Networking > Cloud DNS.

  2. Select the concerned zone from the Zones overview.

  3. Select the Records tab.

  4. Select the concerned record from the tab view.

Result: The details of the selected record is displayed in the Update Record view. You will see the following information:

  • Enabled/Disabled: Indicates if the record is currently enabled or disabled.

  • Name: Displays the FQDN of the record.

  • TTL: Displays the time-to-live of the record.

  • Type: Displays the type of the record: A, AAAA , CNAME, ALIAS, MX, NS, SOA, SRV, TXT, CAA, SSHFP, TLSA, SMIMEA, DS, HTTPS, SVCB, OPENPGPKEY, CERT, URI, RP and LOC.

  • Content: Displays the content of the record.

  • State: Displays the state of the respective record.

    • Available: Indicates that the record is available and healthy.

    • Provisioning: Indicates that the record is being created or updated.

    • Destroying: Indicates that the record is being deleted.

    • Failed: Indicates that an error occurred during creation, update or deletion.

  • Record UUID: Displays the UUID of the record.

  • Last Modified Date: Displays the last modified date of the record.

  • Created Date: Displays the creation date of the record.

  • Preview: Preview of the record.

Update details of a DNS Record

To update details of a given record, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Management > Networking > Cloud DNS.

  2. Select the concerned zone from the Zones overview.

  3. Select the Records.

  4. Select the concerned record from the tab view.

  5. From the Update Record view, update the TTL or the type or the content of the record as required.

  6. Click Save.

Result: The details of your record is updated.

Delete a DNS Record

To delete a given record, follow these steps:

  1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Management > Networking > Cloud DNS.

  2. Select the concerned zone from the Zones overview.

  3. Select the Records.

  4. Select the concerned record from the tab view and click Delete record.

  5. Click Delete from the Delete record(s) confirmation dialog.

Note: Alternatively, you can delete multiple records either in bulk or individually from the Records view.

Result: Your record is deleted.

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