Manage Buckets

View buckets

1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Storage > IONOS S3 Object Storage.

2. From the drop-down list in the Buckets tab, choose either to Show user-owned buckets or Show contract-owned buckets depending on the bucket type you want to view.

Result: All the buckets present under the selected bucket type are listed.

— On choosing Show user-owned buckets, only buckets owned by the user are listed.

— On choosing Show contract-owned buckets, all the buckets created by all the users under this contract are listed.

— Each bucket displays the bucket name, bucket type, S3 region, and the date of bucket creation.

Bucket actions

1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Storage > IONOS S3 Object Storage.

2. From the drop-down list in the Buckets tab, choose either Show user-owned buckets or Show contract-owned buckets depending on the bucket type you want to view.

3. From the Buckets list, choose the bucket on which you want to perform the actions and click on the respective bucket's action menu (three dots).

4. You can perform the following actions:

  • Bucket Settings: Manage your bucket and its objects by applying the bucket settings related to data management, access management, and public access settings.

  • Copy Endpoint URL: Copy the S3 endpoint URL of the bucket to use this URL in the API and CLI.

  • Delete: Use this option to Delete a bucket.

Result: The action chosen to perform on the bucket is successfully applied.

Delete a bucket

1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Storage > IONOS S3 Object Storage.

2. From the drop-down list in the Buckets tab, choose either Show user-owned buckets or Show contract-owned buckets depending on the bucket type you want to view.

3. From the Buckets list, choose the bucket to delete and click on the respective bucket's action menu (three dots).

4. Click Delete.

5. Confirm the deletion of the bucket by choosing Delete. If the bucket consists of objects and folders, you see an option to Empty and delete which deletes all the content within the bucket and then deletes the bucket.

Result: The bucket is successfully deleted and removed from the Buckets list.

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