Features and Benefits


  • ACID Compliance: MariaDB ensures data integrity and reliability through the support of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) properties.

  • Triggers and Stored Procedures: MariaDB allows the creation of database triggers to automatically perform actions based on specified events and stored procedures for executing sets of SQL statements.

  • User Management and Security: Database access can be restricted to authorized users only. Role-based access control, robust encryption support, and user management tools ensure secure access and data protection.

  • Indexes and Storage Engines: MariaDB supports various types of indexes to enhance query performance. In addition, it supports storage engines such as InnoDB, MyISAM, and Aria, thus offering flexibility and performance optimization for different use cases.

  • Query Optimizer and Performance Tuning: MariaDB's query optimizer and performance tuning capabilities help improve database efficiency and query execution speed.

  • Full-Text Search: Integrated full-text search support enables efficient and flexible text searching within large volumes of data.

  • Data Compression: Data compression techniques reduce storage requirements and improve query performance.

  • Columns Support:

    • Virtual (Computed) Columns enable column definitions based on expressions, thus enhancing data retrieval capabilities.

    • Dynamic Columns capability allows storing different column sets for each row, thus enabling flexible schema design.

  • Transactional Support: Comprehensive transaction support, allowing complex operations with rollback capabilities for data integrity.

  • SQL Support: Full support for standard SQL and JSON functionalities, facilitating seamless integration with existing applications and tools.

IONOS DBaaS Features

  • Upgrades: IONOS DBaaS supports user-defined maintenance windows with minimal service disruption. The database may be unreachable for a few seconds when necessary for restarts or switching to another replica. Single-node clusters temporarily gain a second node when it is necessary to replace the old one. Hence, maintenance downtime is the same for multi-node and single-node clusters.

  • Backups: Base backups are carried out daily, with Point-in-Time recovery for one week, ensuring data integrity and quick recovery in case of data loss.

  • Database Monitoring and Reporting: MariaDB provides tools for performance monitoring, query analysis, and reporting to help optimize database usage and identify potential issues.

  • Self-restore a MariaDB cluster: IONOS DBaaS for MariaDB allows you to automatically restore your MariaDB clusters to a prior state or point in time. In unanticipated circumstances, this dependable feature minimizes data loss and reduces downtime. For more information, refer to the instructions for restoring via the DCD or the API.


  • Easy Configuration: Configure your MariaDB instance in compliance with IONOS DBaaS's specifications. You can quickly create databases and tables, define user roles, and assign permissions similar to a physical database using SQL commands, IONOS's graphical interface, or API commands.

  • Scalable: Because of MariaDB's horizontal scalability, new nodes, storage, memory, and cores may be added to match the growing demand for greater processing power for data.

  • High availability: Automatic node failure handling for multi-node and single-node clusters.

  • Security: The communication between clients and databases is secured using TLS for secure data transmission if your MariaDB database is set up to use it.

  • Programmatic Resource Management: Easy deployment and management in cloud environments through APIs, SDKs, and configuration management tools.

  • Resources: It is offered on Enterprise VM, with a dedicated CPU, storage, and RAM. Currently, SSD is the only supported storage option for MariaDB.

  • Network: DBaaS supports private LANs only.

  • JSON and GIS Support: Effectively storing and querying spatial data and JSON documents is possible with native support for Geographic Information System (GIS) and JSON functions.

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