Configure Routes and Upstreams

Once you have created an API instance in the API Gateway, the next step is adding and editing routes to define how your API handles incoming requests.

Edit Routes

  1. Go to Menu > Management > API Gateway.

  2. In the list of your created instances choose one instance and go to OPTIONS - Edit routes.

Edit Routes
  1. Enter the following details in the Routes window:

  • Route Properties:

  • Route name: Provide an appropriate name.

  • Path: Define the endpoint for the route.

  • Methods: Choose the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) the route will support.

  • Web Socket: on/off

  • Protocol: HTTP

Route Properties
  • Upstreams:


  • You should add at least one upstream to your route.

  • The hostname must be publicly accessible and RFC 1123 compatible.

  • Host: Enter IP or public URL

  • Load balancer Algorithm: Choose between roundrobin and least_connections

  • Weight (optional)

  • Scheme: Choose a scheme, such as HTTPS, GRPC, etc.

  • Port

  1. Click Save to create the route.

Click Save

Result: Your route is now created.

You can now add new routes and edit the existing ones.

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