Log Pipelines

A log pipeline refers to an instance or configuration of the Logging Service you can create using the REST API. To create an instance of the Logging Service, you can request the designated regional endpoint based on your desired location:

  • Berlin: https://logging.de-txl.ionos.com/pipelines

  • Frankfurt: https://logging.de-fra.ionos.com/pipelines

  • London: https://logging.gb-lhr.ionos.com/pipelines

  • Paris: https://logging.fr-par.ionos.com/pipelines

  • Logroño: https://logging.es-vit.ionos.com/pipelines

When creating a log pipeline instance, you can define multiple log streams within each pipeline. Each stream functions as a separate log source, allowing you to organize and manage different sources of logs within your logging system.

To differentiate the log sources and enable effective reporting, it is necessary to provide a unique tag for each log source within the pipeline instance. The tag serves as an identifier or label for the log source, allowing you to distinguish and track the logs from different sources easily.

After the pipeline is set up, a unique endpoint is assigned to each pipeline, thus establishing a connection, either HTTP or TCP, with an independent log server. This endpoint serves as the designated destination for sending logs generated by all the log sources within the pipeline. However, to ensure proper categorization and differentiation, each pipeline configuration log source must utilize its designated tag. By adhering to this practice, the logs generated by each source can be accurately identified and traced, even when they are directed to the same endpoint.


The Logging Service platform imposes specific limitations on the number of pipelines you can create and the log rate you can send to the log server.

These limitations are determined by your pricing plan and are designed to ensure that all users receive optimal performance and resource allocation.

Ingestion Rate

By default, the platform sets an ingestion rate limit of 50 HTTP requests per second for each pipeline to prevent overloading the log server with excessive log data.

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