Create a CDN Distribution

A CDN distribution refers to the specific configurations that define how the content is delivered by the CDN to the users. You can create one or more CDN distributions under your contract as needed.

To create a CDN distribution, follow these steps:

Prerequisite: Make sure you have the corresponding permissions to create and manage CDN distributions. Only contract administrators, owners, and users with Access and manage CDN privilege can create a CDN distribution. For more information, see Set User Privileges.

1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > CDN under Edge Networking.

2. Click Create CDN distribution from the Distribution overview page.

3. Configure the following details for a CDN distribution:

4. Click Save to apply the CDN distribution configurations.

Create a CDN distribution

Result: The CDN distribution is successfully created. An IPv4 and IPv6 Anycast IP address is provided which is needed to configure your domain's Domain Name System (DNS) settings to activate the CDN functionality.


— If you are using IONOS Cloud DNS, follow the steps in Manage DNS Records of a Zone.

— You can create a maximum of twenty CDN distributions, and each distribution can be configured with a maximum of twenty-five routing rules.

Define distribution properties

To define the CDN distribution properties, enter the following details:

1. Domain: Enter the origin domain, which is a URL that refers to the website address or content to access over the internet. You can use HTTP servers or Object Storage buckets as domains. For example,

2. (Optional) SSL Certificate: Choose from the certificates already created via the Certificate Manager. You can also create a new certificate, which is then listed in the drop-down list here. To create one, follow the steps in Manage SSL Certificate. With a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate defined, the CDN distribution can serve content over HTTPS, the secure version of HTTP. To create auto-renewable SSL certificates based on a certificate provider like ACME, see Certificate Manager.

CDN distribution properties

Define routing rules

To define the routing rules for a CDN distribution, enter the following details:

1. Prefix: Enter a prefix that helps CDN determine the routing policies to apply for any URL path that begins with the prefix defined here. For example, if a prefix is defined as /docs under a routing rule, then all the URL requests that begin with /docs will be managed per the routing rules under which this prefix is defined.

2. Scheme: Choose the type of transfer protocol to allow accessing resources from HTTP/HTTPS, HTTPS, or HTTP schemes. On choosing HTTP/HTTPS, the CDN directs HTTP requests HTTP and HTTPS requests to HTTPS.

Note: Only the HTTP scheme is supported if SSL Certificate is not provided.

3. Host: Enter the upstream host URL responsible for handling content requests and serving content to the users. This host is also responsible for fetching the content from the domain if data is not already cached at the edge server. For example,

4. Caching: Turn on or turn off to choose whether or not to cache the responses from the upstream host. If turned on, the data responses are cached, and the user's request for the same content is served to the user next time from this cache memory.

5. WAF: Turn on or turn off WAF to choose whether or not to protect the upstream host from malicious threats and vulnerabilities. For more information, see Web Application Firewall. When turned on, WAF incurs additional costs.

6. Rate Limit Class: Choose from the drop-down list to limit the rate of incoming requests from specific IP addresses. The allowed rate limit class values are R1, R5, R10, R25, R50, R100, R250, and R500. For more information, see Rate Limit Class.

CDN distribution routing rule

7. (Optional) Geo Restrictions: Click Open country list to turn on or turn off the countries to be blocked or allowed, then click Save. You can also enter the alphabet in the field provided to quickly jump to the country code in the list and choose to block or allow.

Geo restrictions

8. Click Add routing rule to define another rule. Follow steps from step 1 to step 7 to add the routing rule and click Save. You can add up to twenty-five routing rules per CDN distribution.

Create routing rule

9. When more than one routing rule exists, use the drag-and-drop option to arrange them as needed. The routing rules' precedence applies in the order in which they are ordered.

Warning: It is recommended not to set the routing rule with the Prefix value / as the first routing rule since this will override all the subsequent routing rules defined in the distribution.

Next steps

Configuring the DNS records for your domain completes the CDN distribution setup. For more information, see Manage DNS Records of a Zone.

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