Configure AWS CLI

Prerequisite: For the installation instructions, see Install or update to the latest version of the AWS CLI.

  1. Run the aws configure command in a terminal.

  2. AWS Access Key ID [None]: Insert the Access Key. In the DCD, go to Menu > Storage > IONOS S3 Object Storage > Key management and check the Access keys section to find the essential details.

  3. AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Paste the Secret Key. In the DCD, go to Menu > Storage > IONOS S3 Object Storage > Key management and check the Access keys section to find the essential details.

  4. Default region name [None]: de.

  5. Default output format [None]: json.

Using AWS CLI with IONOS S3 Object Storage

Test if you set up AWS CLI correctly by running a command to list buckets; use any endpoints for testing purposes.

aws s3 ls --endpoint-url

If the setup works correctly, you may proceed with the other commands.

For each command, be sure to include one of the endpoints in the endpoint-url parameter:


For information on the supported IONOS S3 Object Storage Service endpoints, see S3 Endpoints.

There are two sets of commands:

  • S3: Offers high-level commands for managing S3 buckets and moving, copying, and synchronizing objects.

  • S3api: Allows you to work with specific features such as ACL, CORS, and Versioning.

For additional information, see the official AWS CLI Command Reference.

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