Monitoring Service

The Monitoring Service provides a centralized and scalable solution for monitoring and analyzing your application and infrastructure metrics.

Note: Monitoring Service is currently available only through the API, without the DCD implementation.

Product Overview

An overview of the product and its components.

Information about various use cases of the Monitoring Service.

Information about its features and benefits.

Information about metric formats.

Information about various metric sources.

Information about the metric pipelines.

Information about metric types.

DCD How-Tos

Learn how to provide access to users and manage Monitoring Service privileges via the DCD.

API How-Tos

Learn how to create a monitoring pipeline via the API.

Learn how to obtain a new key for a monitoring pipeline via the API.

Learn how to update an existing monitoring pipeline via the API.

Learn how to retrieve information about a specific monitoring pipeline via the API.

Learn how to retrieve all monitoring pipelines via the API.

Learn how to delete a specific monitoring pipeline via the API.

Quick Start

Learn how to send metrics to the monitoring platform.

Learn how to access metrics from the monitoring platform.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To get answers to the most commonly encountered questions about the Monitoring Service platform, see Monitoring Service FAQs.

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