
Successfully setting up an IP Failover group requires three steps:

  • Add a reserved IP address to a NIC that will become the IP Failover master.

  • Use PATCH or PUT to enable ipFailover by providing the relevant ip and nicUuid values.

  • Add the same reserved IP address to any other NICs that are a member of the same LAN. Those NICs will become IP Failover members.

knife ionoscloud ipfailover add (options)

Available options:

Required options:

  • datacenter_id

  • lan_id

  • ip

  • nic_id

    ionoscloud_url: --url URL
        the Ionoscloud API URL

    extra_config_file: --extra-config EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, -e EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
        path to the additional config file

    datacenter_id: --datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID, -D DATACENTER_ID
        name of the data center (required)

    lan_id: --lan-id LAN_ID, -l LAN_ID
        lan ID (required)

    ip: --ip IP, -i IP
        iP to be added to IP failover group (required)

    nic_id: --nic-id NIC_ID, -n NIC_ID
        nIC to be added to IP failover group (required)

    ionoscloud_username: --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
        your Ionoscloud username

    ionoscloud_password: --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
        your Ionoscloud password

    ionoscloud_token: --token PASSWORD
        your Ionoscloud access token


knife ionoscloud ipfailover add --url URL --extra-config EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH --datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID --lan-id LAN_ID --ip IP --nic-id NIC_ID --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --token PASSWORD

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