Updates information about a Ionoscloud User.
knife ionoscloud user update (options)
Available options:
Required options:
ionoscloud_url: --url URL
the Ionoscloud API URL
extra_config_file: --extra-config EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, -e EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH
path to the additional config file
user_id: --user-id USER_ID, -U USER_ID
iD of the User. (required)
firstname: --firstname FIRSTNAME, -f FIRSTNAME
firstname of the user.
lastname: --lastname LASTNAME, -l LASTNAME
lastname of the user.
email: --email EMAIL
an e-mail address for the user.
administrator: --admin ADMIN, -a ADMIN
assigns the user have administrative rights.
force_sec_auth: --sec-auth FORCE_SEC_AUTH
indicates if secure (two-factor) authentication should be forced for the user.
sec_auth_active: --sec-auth SEC_AUTH_ACTIVE
indicates if secure authentication is active for the user or not.
active: --active ACTIVE
indicates if the user is active.
ionoscloud_username: --username USERNAME, -u USERNAME
your Ionoscloud username
ionoscloud_password: --password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD
your Ionoscloud password
ionoscloud_token: --token PASSWORD
your Ionoscloud access token
knife ionoscloud user update --url URL --extra-config EXTRA_CONFIG_FILE_PATH --user-id USER_ID --firstname FIRSTNAME --lastname LASTNAME --email EMAIL --admin ADMIN --sec-auth FORCE_SEC_AUTH --sec-auth SEC_AUTH_ACTIVE --active ACTIVE --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --token PASSWORD
Last updated