API Gateway

API Gateway is an application that acts as a "front door" for backend services and APIs, handling client requests and routing them to the appropriate backend.

An API gateway consists of the generic rules and configurations.

Usage example

resource "ionoscloud_apigateway" "example" {
    name              = "example-gateway"
    metrics           = true
    custom_domains {
        name           = "example.com"
        certificate_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
    custom_domains {
        name           = "example.org"
        certificate_id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

Argument reference

  • id - (Computed)[string] The ID of the API Gateway.

  • name - (Required)[string] The name of the API Gateway.

  • logs - (Optional)[bool] Enable or disable logging. Defaults to false. NOTE: Central Logging must be enabled through the Logging API to enable this feature.

  • metrics - (Optional)[bool] Enable or disable metrics. Defaults to false.

  • custom_domains - (Optional)[list] Custom domains for the API Gateway, a list that contains elements with the following structure:

    • name - (Required)[string] The domain name.

    • certificate_id - (Required)[string] The certificate ID for the domain.

  • public_endpoint - (Computed)[string] The public endpoint of the API Gateway.


In order to import an API Gateway, you can define an empty API Gateway resource in the plan:

resource "ionoscloud_apigateway" "example" {


The resource can be imported using the gateway_id, for example:

terraform import ionoscloud_apigateway.example {gateway_id}

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