DBaaS InMemoryDB Snapshot

Gets information about an existing InMemoryDB Snapshot.

The ionoscloud_inmemorydb_snapshot data source can be used to retrieve information about an existing InMemoryDB Snapshot.

Example Usage

data "ionoscloud_inmemorydb_snapshot" "example" {
  id = "snapshot-id"
  location = "de/txl"

Argument Reference

  • id - (Required) The ID of the InMemoryDB Snapshot.

  • location - (Required) The location of the InMemoryDB Snapshot.

Attributes Reference

  • metadata - Metadata of the snapshot.

    • created_date - The ISO 8601 creation timestamp.

    • datacenter_id - The ID of the datacenter in which the snapshot is located.

    • last_modified_date - The ISO 8601 modified timestamp.

    • replica_set_id - The ID of the replica set from which the snapshot was created.

    • snapshot_time - The time at which the snapshot was taken.

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