VPN Wireguard Peer

Provides information about a specific IonosCloud VPN WireGuard Gateway.

The ionoscloud_vpn_wireguard_gateway data source provides information about a specific IonosCloud VPN WireGuard Gateway. You can use this data source to retrieve details of a WireGuard Gateway for use in other resources and configurations.

Example Usage

data "ionoscloud_vpn_wireguard_peer" "example" {
  location = "de/fra"
  gateway_id = "example-gateway"
  name = "example-peer"

output "vpn_wireguard_peer_public_key" {
  value = data.vpn_wireguard_peer.example.public_key

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • gateway_id - (Required)[String] The ID of the WireGuard Gateway.

  • location - (Required)[String] The location of the WireGuard Gateway.

  • name - (Optional)[String] The name of the WireGuard Peer.

  • id - (Optional)[String] The ID of the WireGuard Peer.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The unique ID of the WireGuard Peer.

  • name - The name of the WireGuard Peer.

  • description - The description of the WireGuard Peer.

  • public_key - WireGuard public key of the connecting peer.

  • status - The current status of the WireGuard Peer.

  • endpoint - The endpoint of the WireGuard Peer.

    • host - Hostname or IPV4 address that the WireGuard Server will connect to.

    • port - Port that the WireGuard Server will connect to. Default: 51820

  • allowed_ips - The subnet CIDRs that are allowed to connect to the WireGuard Gateway.

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