
Creates and manages Network Interface objects.

Manages a NIC on IonosCloud.

Example Usage

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
  name                = "Datacenter Example"
  location            = "us/las"
  description         = "Datacenter Description"
  sec_auth_protection = false

resource "ionoscloud_ipblock" "example" {
  location            = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.location
  size                = 2
  name                = "IP Block Example"

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example"{
  datacenter_id     =
  public            = true
  name              = "Lan"

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
  name                  = "Server Example"
  datacenter_id         =
  cores                 = 1
  ram                   = 1024
  availability_zone     = "ZONE_1"
  cpu_family            = "INTEL_XEON"
  image_name            = "Ubuntu-20.04"
  image_password        = random_password.server_image_password.result
  volume {
    name                = "system"
    size                = 14
    disk_type           = "SSD"
  nic {
    lan                 = "1"
    dhcp                = true
    firewall_active     = true

resource "ionoscloud_nic" "example" {
  datacenter_id         =
  server_id             =
  lan                   =
  name                  = "NIC"
  lan                   = 2
  dhcp                  = true
  firewall_active       = true
  firewall_type         = "INGRESS"
  ips                   = [ ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[0], ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[1] ]

resource "random_password" "server_image_password" {
  length           = 16
  special          = false

Example Usage with IPv6

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
  name                = "Datacenter Example"
  location            = "us/las"
  description         = "Datacenter Description"
  sec_auth_protection = false

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example"{
  datacenter_id     =
  public            = true
  name              = "IPv6 Enabled LAN"
  ipv6_cidr_block   = cidrsubnet(ionoscloud_datacenter.example.ipv6_cidr_block,8,2)

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
  name                  = "Server Example"
  datacenter_id         =
  cores                 = 1
  ram                   = 1024
  availability_zone     = "ZONE_1"
  cpu_family            = "INTEL_XEON"
  image_name            = "Ubuntu-20.04"
  image_password        = random_password.server_image_password.result
  volume {
    name                = "system"
    size                = 14
    disk_type           = "SSD"
  nic {
    lan                 = "1"
    dhcp                = true
    firewall_active     = true

resource "ionoscloud_nic" "example" {
  datacenter_id         =
  server_id             =
  lan                   =
  name                  = "IPv6 Enabled NIC"
  dhcp                  = true
  firewall_active       = true
  firewall_type         = "INGRESS"
  dhcpv6                = false
  ipv6_cidr_block       = cidrsubnet(ionoscloud_lan.example.ipv6_cidr_block,16,14)
  ipv6_ips              = [ 

resource "random_password" "server_image_password" {
  length           = 16
  special          = false

Example configuring Flowlog

resource "ionoscloud_nic" "example" {
  datacenter_id         =
  server_id             =
  lan                   =
  name                  = "IPV6 and Flowlog Enabled NIC"
  dhcp                  = true
  firewall_active       = true
  firewall_type         = "INGRESS"
  dhcpv6                = false
  ipv6_cidr_block       = cidrsubnet(ionoscloud_lan.example.ipv6_cidr_block,16,14)
  ipv6_ips              = [
  flowlog {
    action    = "ACCEPTED"
    bucket    = "flowlog-bucket"
    direction = "INGRESS"
    name      = "flowlog"

This will configure flowlog for accepted ingress traffic and will log it into an existing ionos s3 bucket named flowlog-bucket. Any s3 compatible client can be used to create it. Adding a flowlog does not force re-creation of the NIC, but changing any other field than name will. Deleting a flowlog will also force NIC re-creation.

Argument reference

  • datacenter_id - (Required)[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.

  • server_id - (Required)[string] The ID of a server.

  • lan - (Required)[integer] The LAN ID the NIC will sit on.

  • name - (Optional)[string] The name of the LAN.

  • dhcp - (Optional)[Boolean] Indicates if the NIC should get an IP address using DHCP (true) or not (false).

  • dhcpv6 - (Optional)[Boolean] Indicates if the NIC should get an IPv6 address using DHCP (true) or not (false).

  • ipv6_cidr_block - (Computed, Optional) Automatically assigned /80 IPv6 CIDR block if the NIC is connected to an IPv6 enabled LAN. You can also specify an /80 IPv6 CIDR block for the NIC on your own, which must be inside the /64 IPv6 CIDR block of the LAN and unique.

  • ips - (Optional)[list] Collection of IP addresses assigned to a NIC. Explicitly assigned public IPs need to come from reserved IP blocks, Passing value null or empty array will assign an IP address automatically.

  • ipv6_ips - (Optional)[list] Collection of IPv6 addresses assigned to a NIC. Explicitly assigned public IPs need to come from the NIC's Ipv6 CIDR block, Passing value null or empty array will assign an IPv6 address automatically from the NIC's CIDR block.

  • firewall_active - (Optional)[Boolean] If this resource is set to true and is nested under a server resource firewall, with open SSH port, resource must be nested under the NIC.

  • firewall_type - (Optional) [String] The type of firewall rules that will be allowed on the NIC. If it is not specified it will take the default value INGRESS

  • id - (Computed) The ID of the NIC.

  • mac - (Computed) The MAC address of the NIC.

  • device_number- (Computed) The Logical Unit Number (LUN) of the storage volume. Null if this NIC was created from CloudAPI and no DCD changes were done on the Datacenter.

  • pci_slot- (Computed) The PCI slot number of the Nic.

  • flowlog - (Optional) Only 1 flow log can be configured. Only the name field can change as part of an update. Flow logs holistically capture network information such as source and destination IP addresses, source and destination ports, number of packets, amount of bytes, the start and end time of the recording, and the type of protocol – and log the extent to which your instances are being accessed.

    • action - (Required) Specifies the action to be taken when the rule is matched. Possible values: ACCEPTED, REJECTED, ALL. Immutable, update forces re-creation.

    • bucket - (Required) Specifies the S3 IONOS bucket where the flow log data will be stored. The bucket must exist. Immutable, update forces re-creation.

    • direction - (Required) Specifies the traffic direction pattern. Valid values: INGRESS, EGRESS, BIDIRECTIONAL. Immutable, update forces re-creation.

    • name - (Required) Specifies the name of the flow log.

⚠️ Note:: Removing the flowlog forces re-creation of the NIC resource.


Resource Nic can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_nic.mynic {datacenter uuid}/{server uuid}/{nic uuid}

Working with load balancers

Please be aware that when using a NIC in a load balancer, the load balancer will change the NIC's ID behind the scenes, therefore the plan will always report this change trying to revert the state to the one specified by your terraform file. In order to prevent this, use the "lifecycle meta-argument" when declaring your NIC, in order to ignore changes to the lan attribute:

Here's an example:

resource "ionoscloud_nic" "example" {
  datacenter_id     =
  server_id         =
  lan               = "2"
  dhcp              = true
  firewall_active   = true
  name              = "updated"
  lifecycle {
    ignore_changes  = [ lan ]

Last updated