
Creates and manages IonosCloud Volume objects.

Manages a Volume on IonosCloud.

Example Usage

A primary volume will be created with the server. If there is a need for additional volumes, this resource handles it.

data "ionoscloud_image" "example" {
    type                  = "HDD"
    cloud_init            = "V1"
    image_alias           = "ubuntu:latest"
    location              = "us/las"

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
    name                  = "Datacenter Example"
    location              = "us/las"
    description           = "Datacenter Description"
    sec_auth_protection   = false

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example" {
    datacenter_id         = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.id
    public                = true
    name                  = "Lan Example"

resource "ionoscloud_ipblock" "example" {
    location              = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.location
    size                  = 4
    name                  = "IP Block Example"

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
    name                  = "Server Example"
    datacenter_id         = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.id
    cores                 = 1
    ram                   = 1024
    availability_zone     = "ZONE_1"
    cpu_family            = "INTEL_XEON"
    image_name            = data.ionoscloud_image.example.name
    image_password        = random_password.server_image_password.result
    type                  = "ENTERPRISE"
    volume {
        name              = "system"
        size              = 5
        disk_type         = "SSD Standard"
        user_data         = "foo"
        bus               = "VIRTIO"
        availability_zone = "ZONE_1"
    nic {
        lan               = ionoscloud_lan.example.id
        name              = "system"
        dhcp              = true
        firewall_active   = true
        firewall_type     = "BIDIRECTIONAL"
        ips               = [ ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[0], ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[1] ]
    firewall {
        protocol          = "TCP"
        name              = "SSH"
        port_range_start  = 22
        port_range_end    = 22
        source_mac        = "00:0a:95:9d:68:17"
        source_ip         = ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[2]
        target_ip         = ionoscloud_ipblock.example.ips[3]
        type              = "EGRESS"

resource "ionoscloud_volume" "example" {
  datacenter_id           = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.id
  server_id               = ionoscloud_server.example.id
  name                    = "Volume Example"
  availability_zone       = "ZONE_1"
  size                    = 5
  disk_type               = "SSD Standard"
  bus                     = "VIRTIO"
  image_name              = data.ionoscloud_image.example.name
  image_password          = random_password.volume_image_password.result
  user_data               = "foo"

resource "ionoscloud_volume" "example" {
  datacenter_id           = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.id
  server_id               = ionoscloud_server.example.id
  name                    = "Another Volume Example"
  availability_zone       = "ZONE_1"
  size                    = 5
  disk_type               = "SSD Standard"
  bus                     = "VIRTIO"
  licence_type            = "OTHER"

resource "random_password" "server_image_password" {
  length           = 16
  special          = false

resource "random_password" "volume_image_password" {
  length           = 16
  special          = false

Argument reference

  • datacenter_id - (Required)[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.

  • server_id - (Required)[string] The ID of a server.

  • disk_type - (Required)[string] The volume type: HDD or SSD. This property is immutable.

  • bus - (Optional)[Boolean] The bus type of the volume: VIRTIO or IDE.

  • size - (Required)[integer] The size of the volume in GB.

  • ssh_key_path - (Optional)[list] List of absolute paths to files containing a public SSH key that will be injected into IonosCloud provided Linux images. Also accepts ssh keys directly. Required for IonosCloud Linux images. Required if image_password is not provided. This property is immutable.

  • ssh_keys - (Optional)[list] List of absolute paths to files containing a public SSH key that will be injected into IonosCloud provided Linux images. Also accepts ssh keys directly. Required for IonosCloud Linux images. Required if image_password is not provided. This property is immutable.

  • sshkey - (Computed) The associated public SSH key.

  • image_password - (Optional)[string] Required if sshkey_path is not provided.

  • image_name - (Optional)[string] The name, ID or alias of the image. May also be a snapshot ID. It is required if licence_type is not provided. Attribute is immutable.

  • image - (Computed) The image or snapshot UUID.

  • licence_type - (Optional)[string] Required if image_name is not provided.

  • name - (Optional)[string] The name of the volume.

  • availability_zone - (Optional)[string] The storage availability zone assigned to the volume: AUTO, ZONE_1, ZONE_2, or ZONE_3. This property is immutable

  • user_data - (Optional)[string] The cloud-init configuration for the volume as base64 encoded string. The property is immutable and is only allowed to be set on a new volume creation. This option will work only with cloud-init compatible images.

  • backup_unit_id- (Optional)[string] The uuid of the Backup Unit that user has access to. The property is immutable and is only allowed to be set on a new volume creation. It is mandatory to provide either 'public image' or 'imageAlias' in conjunction with this property.

  • device_number- (Computed) The Logical Unit Number of the storage volume. Null for volumes not mounted to any VM.

  • pci_slot- (Computed) The PCI slot number of the storage volume. Null for volumes not mounted to any VM.

  • cpu_hot_plug - (Computed)[string] Is capable of CPU hot plug (no reboot required)

  • ram_hot_plug - (Computed)[string] Is capable of memory hot plug (no reboot required)

  • nic_hot_plug - (Computed)[string] Is capable of nic hot plug (no reboot required)

  • nic_hot_unplug - (Computed)[string] Is capable of nic hot unplug (no reboot required)

  • disc_virtio_hot_plug - (Computed)[string] Is capable of Virt-IO drive hot plug (no reboot required)

  • disc_virtio_hot_unplug - (Computed)[string] Is capable of Virt-IO drive hot unplug (no reboot required). This works only for non-Windows virtual Machines.

  • boot_server - (Computed)[string] The UUID of the attached server.


ssh_key_path and ssh_keys fields are immutable. If you want to create a CUBE server, the type of the inline volume must be set to DAS. In this case, you can not set the size argument since it is taken from the template_uuid you set in the server.


Resource Volume can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_volume.myvolume {datacenter uuid}/{server uuid}/{volume uuid}

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