
Get information on a IonosCloud Object Storage Region

The Object storage region data source can be used to search for and return an existing S3 Regions.

Example Usage


data "ionoscloud_object_storage_region" "example" {
  id       = "region_id"

Argument Reference

  • id - (Required) Id of an existing object storage Region that you want to search for.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are returned by the datasource:

  • id - The id of the region

  • version - The version of the region properties

  • endpoint - The endpoint URL for the region

  • website - The website URL for the region

  • storage_classes - The available classes in the region

  • location - The data center location of the region as per Get Location. Can't be used as LocationConstraint on bucket creation.

  • capability - The capabilities of the region

    • iam - Indicates if IAM policy based access is supported

    • s3select - Indicates if S3 Select is supported

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