Access Key

Creates and manages IonosCloud Object Storage Accesskeys.

Manages an Object Storage Accesskey on IonosCloud.

Example Usage

resource "ionoscloud_object_storage_accesskey" "example" {
    description = "my description"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • description - (Optional)[string] Description of the Access key.

  • id - (Computed) The ID (UUID) of the AccessKey.

  • accesskey - (Computed) Access key metadata is a string of 92 characters.

  • secretkey - (Computed) The secret key of the Access key.

  • canonical_user_id - (Computed) The canonical user ID which is valid for user-owned buckets.

  • contract_user_id - (Computed) The contract user ID which is valid for contract-owned buckets

  • timeouts - (Optional) Timeouts for this resource.

    • create - (Optional)[string] Time to wait for the bucket to be created. Default is 10m.

    • delete - (Optional)[string] Time to wait for the bucket to be deleted. Default is 10m.


An object storage accesskey resource can be imported using its resource id, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_object_storage_accesskey.demo {objectStorageAccesskeyId}

This can be helpful when you want to import Object Storage Accesskeys which you have already created manually or using other means, outside of terraform.

Last updated