

| active | Boolean | Indicates if the user is active. | [optional] |

| administrator | Boolean | Indicates if the user has admin rights. | [optional] |

| email | String | The email address of the user. | [optional] |

| firstname | String | The first name of the user. | [optional] |

| force_sec_auth | Boolean | Indicates if secure authentication should be forced on the user. | [optional] |

| lastname | String | The last name of the user. | [optional] |

| s3_canonical_user_id | String | Canonical (S3) ID of the user for a given identity. | [optional] |

| sec_auth_active | Boolean | Indicates if secure authentication is active for the user. | [optional] |


require 'ionoscloud'

instance =
  active: null,

  administrator: null,

  email: null,

  firstname: null,

  force_sec_auth: null,

  lastname: null,

  s3_canonical_user_id: null,

  sec_auth_active: null

Last updated