

| algorithm | String | The balancing algorithm. A balancing algorithm consists of predefined rules with the logic that a load balancer uses to distribute network traffic between servers. - Round Robin: Targets are served alternately according to their weighting. - Least Connection: The target with the least active connection is served. - Random: The targets are served based on a consistent pseudorandom algorithm. - Source IP: It is ensured that the same client IP address reaches the same target. | |

| health_check | TargetGroupHealthCheck | | [optional] |

| http_health_check | TargetGroupHttpHealthCheck | | [optional] |

| name | String | The target group name. | |

| protocol | String | The forwarding protocol. Only the value 'HTTP' is allowed. | |

| targets | Array<TargetGroupTarget> | Array of items in the collection. | [optional] |


require 'ionoscloud'

instance =
  algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN,

  health_check: null,

  http_health_check: null,

  name: My target group,

  protocol: HTTP,

  targets: null

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