

| ip_consumers | Array<IpConsumer> | Read-Only attribute. Lists consumption detail for an individual IP | [optional][readonly] |

| ips | Array<String> | Collection of IPs, associated with the IP Block. | [optional][readonly] |

| location | String | Location of that IP block. Property cannot be modified after it is created (disallowed in update requests). | |

| name | String | The name of the resource. | [optional] |

| size | Integer | The size of the IP block. | |


require 'ionoscloud'

instance = Ionoscloud::IpBlockProperties.new(
  ip_consumers: { "ipConsumers": [ { "ip" : "", "mac" : "02:01:3f:52:6e:57", "nicId" : "0e8ee463-1174-46f2-87ba-a5c79c14d8e5", "serverId" : "e6a3466f-8d6e-4cb6-8001-f4e245f222b7", "serverName" : "Unnamed Server", "datacenterId" : "6e54a9ec-aace-4176-8ee4-1c3a704fccfc", "datacenterName" : "IpConsumerDC", "k8sNodePoolUuid" : "6e54a9ec-aace-4176-8ee4-1c3a704fcc12", "k8sClusterUuid" : "6e54a9ec-aace-4176-8ee4-1c3a704fcc23"} ] },

  ips: ["", "", ""],

  location: us/las,

  name: My resource,

  size: 5

Last updated