Network File Storage Share

Creates and manages Network File Storage (NFS) Share objects on IonosCloud.

Creates and manages Network File Storage (NFS) Share objects on IonosCloud.

Example Usage

# Basic example

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "nfs_dc" {
  name                = "NFS Datacenter"
  location            = "de/txl"
  description         = "Datacenter Description"
  sec_auth_protection = false

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "nfs_lan" {
  datacenter_id =
  public        = false
  name          = "Lan for NFS"

resource "ionoscloud_nfs_cluster" "example" {
  name = "test"
  location = "de/txl"
  size = 2

  nfs {
    min_version = "4.2"

  connections {
    datacenter_id =
    ip_address    = ""
    lan           =

resource "ionoscloud_nfs_share" "example" {
  location = "de/txl"
  cluster_id =

  name = "example-share"
  quota = 512
  gid = 512
  uid = 512

  client_groups {
    description = "Client Group 1"
    ip_networks = [""]
    hosts = [""]
    nfs {
      squash = "all-anonymous"

Argument Reference

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • location - (Optional) The location of the Network File Storage Cluster. If this is not set and if no value is provided for the IONOS_API_URL env var, the default location will be: de/fra.

  • cluster_id - (Required) The ID of the Network File Storage Cluster.

  • name - (Required) The directory being exported.

  • quota - (Optional) The quota in MiB for the export. The quota can restrict the amount of data that can be stored within the export. The quota can be disabled using 0. Default is 0.

  • gid - (Optional) The group ID that will own the exported directory. If not set, anonymous (512) will be used.

  • uid - (Optional) The user ID that will own the exported directory. If not set, anonymous (512) will be used.

  • client_groups - (Required) The groups of clients are the systems connecting to the Network File Storage cluster. Each group includes:

    • description - (Optional) Optional description for the clients groups.

    • ip_networks - (Required) The allowed host or network to which the export is being shared. The IP address can be either IPv4 or IPv6 and has to be given with CIDR notation.

    • hosts - (Required) A singular host allowed to connect to the share. The host can be specified as IP address and can be either IPv4 or IPv6.

    • nfs - (Required) NFS specific configurations. Each configuration includes:

      • squash - (Required) The squash mode for the export. The squash mode can be:

        • none - No squash mode. no mapping,

        • root-anonymous - Map root user to anonymous uid,

        • all-anonymous - Map all users to anonymous uid.


A Network File Storage Share resource can be imported using its location, cluster_id and resource id:

terraform import location:cluster_id:resource_id

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