Manages the selection of boot devices for IonosCloud Server objects.
Manages the selection of a boot device for IonosCloud Servers.
Example Usage
The boot device of a ionoscloud_server, ionoscloud_vcpu_server or ionoscloud_cube_server can be selected with this resource. Deleting this resource will revert the boot device back to the default volume, which is the first inline volume created together with the server. This resource also allows switching between a volume and a ionoscloud_image CDROM. Note that CDROM images are detached after they are no longer set as boot devices.
resource "ionoscloud_server_boot_device_selection" "example"{
datacenter_id =
server_id = ionoscloud_server.example.inline_volume_ids[0]
# boot_device_id = VM will boot in the PXE shell when boot_device_id is omitted
resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
name = "Server Example"
availability_zone = "ZONE_2"
image_name = "ubuntu:latest"
cores = 2
ram = 2048
image_password = random_password.server_image_password.result
datacenter_id =
volume {
name = "Inline volume"
size = 20
disk_type = "SSD Standard"
bus = "VIRTIO"
availability_zone = "AUTO"
nic {
lan =
name = "Nic Example"
dhcp = true
firewall_active = true
resource "ionoscloud_volume" "example" {
server_id =
datacenter_id =
name = "External 1"
size = 10
disk_type = "HDD"
availability_zone = "AUTO"
image_name = "debian:latest"
image_password = random_password.server_image_password.result
data "ionoscloud_image" "example" {
name = "ubuntu-20.04"
location = "de/txl"
type = "CDROM"
Argument reference
datacenter_id - (Required)[string] The ID of a Virtual Data Center.
server_id - (Required)[string] The ID of a server.
boot_device_id - (Optional)[string] The ID of a bootable device such as a volume or an image data source. If this field is omitted from the configuration, the VM will be restarted with no primary boot device, and it will enter the PXE shell for network booting. Note: If the network booting process started by the PXE shell fails, the VM will still boot into the image of the attached storage as a fallback. This behavior imitates the "Boot from Network" option from DCD.