
Creates and manages IonosCloud CDN Distributions.

Manages a CDN Distribution on IonosCloud.

Example Usage

resource "ionoscloud_cdn_distribution" "example" {
  domain         = ""
  certificate_id =
  routing_rules {
    scheme = "https"
    prefix = "/api"
    upstream {
      host                = ""
      caching             = true
      waf                 = true
      sni_mode            = "distribution"
      rate_limit_class    = "R500"
      geo_restrictions {
        allow_list = [ "CN", "RU"]
  routing_rules {
    scheme = "http/https"
    prefix = "/api2"
    upstream {
      host                = ""
      caching             = false
      waf                 = false
      sni_mode            = "origin"
      rate_limit_class    = "R10"
      geo_restrictions {
        block_list = [ "CN", "RU"]

#optionally you can add a certificate to the distribution
resource "ionoscloud_certificate" "cert" {
  name = "add_name_here"
  certificate = "${file("path_to_cert")}"
  certificate_chain = "${file("path_to_cert_chain")}"
  private_key = "${file("path_to_private_key")}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • domain - (Required)[string] The domain of the distribution.

  • certificate_id - (Required)[string] The ID of the certificate to use for the distribution. You can create certificates with the certificate resource.

  • routing_rules - (Required)[list] The routing rules for the distribution.

    • scheme - (Required)[string] The scheme of the routing rule.

    • prefix - (Required)[string] The prefix of the routing rule.

    • upstream - (Required)[map] - A map of properties for the rule

      • host - (Required)[string] The upstream host that handles the requests if not already cached. This host will be protected by the WAF if the option is enabled.

      • caching - (Required)[bool] Enable or disable caching. If enabled, the CDN will cache the responses from the upstream host. Subsequent requests for the same resource will be served from the cache.

      • waf - (Required)[bool] Enable or disable WAF to protect the upstream host.

      • sni_mode - (Required)[string] The SNI (Server Name Indication) mode of the upstream. It supports two modes: 1) distribution: for outgoing connections to the upstream host, the CDN requires the upstream host to present a valid certificate that matches the configured domain of the CDN distribution; 2) origin: for outgoing connections to the upstream host, the CDN requires the upstream host to present a valid certificate that matches the configured upstream/origin hostname.

      • rate_limit_class - (Required)[string] Rate limit class that will be applied to limit the number of incoming requests per IP.

      • geo_restrictions - (Optional)[map] - A map of geo_restrictions

        • allow_list - (Optional)[string] List of allowed countries

        • block_list - (Optional)[string] List of blocked countries

Attributes Reference

  • public_endpoint_v4 - IP of the distribution, it has to be included on the domain DNS Zone as A record.

  • public_endpoint_v6 - IP of the distribution, it has to be included on the domain DNS Zone as AAAA record.

  • resource_urn - Unique resource indentifier.


Resource Distribution can be imported using the resource id, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_cdn_distribution.myDistribution distribution uuid

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